Another suggestion.  Find an old Brownie box camera that takes
120 film and that has time exposure capability.  They should
be $5.00 or so.  It is easy to take the lens out and put in
a pinhole.  Then you will have 6x9 cm images instead of 35mm
and can still get commercial processing.  I mostly do paper negatives
with home made cameras and do the processing in my darkroom.  I just
made a stereo pinhole camera out of a cookie tin.  It was a great
excuse to by a box of chocolate cookies.  

>  Thanks for the input on transparency film...I have used Velvia 120 in the
> past with a good light meter and had wonderful results with lenses...My hope
> is that the slide film will give me a better or truer read on my
> exposures...I currently use 100 or 200 asa color or the Kodak C41 process
> B&W film and although I have my exposure calculations worked out (for the
> most part) I always wonder how much correction goes on in the processing. I
> can read a B&W neg fairly well but not a color one.
>  With less latitude I realize that I would have to get the exposure of Slide
> film down pretty much to a science...or art....and like I never say...the
> more you learn - the more you know.
>  Ronnie p
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