I have been a lurker on this list for a few months and have enjoyed the
vast amount of knowledge I have been able to glean from cyberspace.
 I have been a fan of pinhole photography since my college days where I
studied under Wiley Sanderson, Mary Ruth Moore and Dr Robert Nix at the
University of Georgia...Bid deal, I know... I have a 4x5 multi focal length
and a 8x10 that I don't currently us due to not having a darkroom at the
moment...I now typically use a body cap pinhole on my old 35 mm.
 My question to the group is...Does anyone use transparency film for pinhole
use and if so, what problems might be associated with that in contrast to
the typical negative film? I ask this because I have seen that the
Ilfochrome or Cibachrome is such the standard for the highest quality color
printing. Any thoughts comments or contusions?
 Ronnie Pettit

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