----- Original Message -----
From: "Philippe Monnoyer" <monno...@imec.be>
> I still have to read the interesting paper.
> So if my optimal pinhole diameter for a 100 mm FL is 0.36 mm, this means
> that my 24x30 cm film will record an image where every point will have a
> blur of 0.36 mm. So it is impossible to have sharp detail with pinhole
> photography ? Isn' it ?

Yes it is, and there are many samples out there in ciberspace to confirm that.
In Renner's book there is 1 image, as a matter of fact, that is as -perhaps-
sharp as pinhole can get.

When you read the paper, you'll see that you can get a resolution equal to 1.5
times what 0.36 give you.  0.36 give you  2.78 image points per mm, actual
resolution would then be 2.78x1.5 or 4 lpmm, which when viewed at a confortable
distance of vision (13" or so) should look reasonable "sharp" (notice the sharp
is under quotations mark).


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