--- R Duarte <ra...@rahji.com> wrote:
> hey, i'd like to try using 4x5 sheet film.  does anyone have suggestions on
> the easiest way that i could develop it?  should i just use trays in the
> dark?  is there something easier without buying the $150 developing tank i
> saw at the local camera store?  :)  

This is an easy one - Darkroom Innovations
(http://www.darkroom-innovations.com/BTZS_Film_Tubes/btzs_film_tubes.html) has
tubes that you can use.  Yes, you can go ahead and buy the whole set, but I
simply purchased two tubes many yeanrs and hundreds of sheets ago and will
swear by them.

The tubes allow you to use different times for sheets, different developers
and/or dilutions, process completely in the light (with the exception of
loading the film into the tubes), offer uniform development, no scratching from
negatives knocking against other negatives, etc., etc., etc.

I can't think of any advantage that standing in the dark with your fingers in
developer might have.

BTW, if you are super-frugal, you can make your own tubes, though for me
personally, that's more bother than it's worth.

Cheers -


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