processing in trays in the dark is the easiest, and likely the cheapest,
but most tedious. I've done it for years.  A great way to build up
suspense (ie the processing times can seem very long)

You need a way to time the processing in the dark.  Something that counts
down the time and sets off an audible alarm works well.  I try to avoid
glow in the dark things for fear of fogging - but I've often thought my
timer has stopped :)

You can could buy small photo trays or try getting something cheaper at a
hardware store.  Aluminum , tin foil trays might work - never tried them.

If you do more than one sheet at a time you need to layer them to agitate
and keep fresh developer on each sheet you pull the bottom sheet out and
place in on the top repeatedly over the duration of processing.  Its best
to wear nitrile or latex gloves cause your hands are constantly in the

Good ventilation is needed as well.

An alternative to this in a tube - either homemade with ABS which are
awkward or a bzts tube or jobo tube which is more costly.

I now use ortho film for pinhole - can be used under safelight so its much

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, R Duarte wrote:

> hey, i'd like to try using 4x5 sheet film.  does anyone have suggestions on
> the easiest way that i could develop it?  should i just use trays in the
> dark?  is there something easier without buying the $150 developing tank i
> saw at the local camera store?  :)  you can email me directly instead of
> sending to the list since it's not necessarily pinhole related - although
> i'm asking because i want to finally use FILM in the pinhole camera i built
> to accept 4x5 film backs.  thanks for any info..
> rob
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology            112 Science Place    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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