
Shoot black and white and process it yourself. You will have results in 30
minutes.  If you use medium format you can load the film into a daylight
processing tank.  Once the film is loaded in the tank, all the processing
can be done in the light.

You just need a small room that can be made dark for a few minutes.  A
hotel bathroom may work - if its doesn't have windows.

4x5 film is a little harder.  There are daylight processing tanks for 4x5,
but I've only processed them in trays in complete darkness.

You could use 4x5 polaroid positive or positive and negative films, but
that gets expensive.

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Dieter Bublitz wrote:

> Hi folks,
> this may be somewhat off topic but I hope not too far :-).
> I will be on a trip through Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and South
> Dakota in May and June.
> While I will take photos mainly with my SLR-equipment, I plan to take
> one pinhole camera on this trip. Did not decide yet, wether it will be
> a 4x5" or one of my medium format Zero's.
> The problem is, that I would like to see the pinhole images as soon as
> possible to decide if I should do them again (due to the uncertainties
> of the exposure of a pinhole image) before I head on to the next
> place.
> How is it in the mentioned area? Does one usually find one hour or
> overnight photolabs in the (bigger) cities, that can do medium format
> (maybe even large format) slide film or is there no chance? Are
> chances better for negative film?
> Thank you!
> Dieter
> --
> Dieters Lochkamera Seite: http://www.die-lochkamera.de/
> drf-S?d-Homepage: http://www.drf-sued.de/
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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