Hello Everyone

I have been following your conversations and have found them very
interesting.   I am relatively new to pinhole, about two years now since I
first saw what was going on the web.  I am a painter and find that
photography makes an interesting a refreshing adjunct to my work.  Pinhole
photography is a wonderful way to make images and use your imagination.

Anyway, enough of an introduction; could anyone please tell me how to
calculate the natural progression of f stops doubling exposure from one
number to the next, or post a list of these.  I once saw a list on the web
and have never been able to find it again.  I think you will all know what I
mean  5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22, 32 etc up to 1000 or whatever.

I would find this immensely helpful when calculating exposures and designing



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