
With your info i got off your website, the sunny16 + iso exposure rule, when 
using a meter do you use the meter reading and the iso=shutterspeed to 
calculate your exposure?

I used it to teach a class but had varying results, although i have suspitions 
that the cameras were dodgy.
I just need a little clarification on this.
But the ones that did turn out on my camera and one other were as near perfect 
as i could have hoped. 

Also if you have any info on Pinhole under studio flash conditions i would 
really appretiate it, i had a formula worked out which worked well for my 
camera but had limited success with the others.

I used
 exposure = difference of stops from meter reading to camera aperture x 1.5 
If you have any suggestions to improve this, that would be great. 

Thanks :)

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