
I'm using another ortho film - kodak camera 2000 CGP film.  I use a
developer developed :) by an alternative process photographer Dave
Soemarko.  He calles it LC-1 developer.  I am beginning to work with CGP
film and LC-1.  It appears very promising.

See http://members.aol.com/fotodave/Articles/LC-1.html

LC-1 is mixed in two stock solutions.  Changing the concentration of the
two stocks and water allows one to very the contrast produced.

CGP film is very cheap and widely available.  Its only downfall is that is
has an ASA of ~1 when processed in LC-1


I've had some success with dilute dektol 1:10 - but this still produces a
contrasty negative (but has an ASA of 6)

Others have used D-76 1:3 and Sprint developer 1:27

It can be used under red safelight like printing paper. Making it easy to

LC-1 must be formulated from the raw chemicals - easy if one has them, but
most pinhole photographers strive to make things as simple/easy as

Any photo chemists out there?  LC-1 is a simple metol- hyroquinone
developer lacking an accelerator leaving the solution much less alkaline
than a standard developer.  Its essetially a very slow working somewhat
acidic developer.  Its like D-76 without Borax.

Does anyone have any ideas on turning a standard alkaline developer into a
slow working low contrast developer.  It would make using cheap lith film
much more accessable.  Would it be possible to add stop bath - a mild acid
to developer to make it slow acting?


On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 skippyjo...@att.net wrote:

> Hello Group,
>      I have recently rediscoverd pinhole photography
> after eight years of not doing it.  I have some old
> notes from school but I find that they are not
> complete.
>      This is why I now ask if anyone in the group uses
> Kodalith Ortho 4 x 5 film as I used to.  The suggested
> developer (ektaflo) is very scarce and expensive.  Has
> anyone used Dektol or T-max developers with this film?
> I'm curious what film and chemistry combinations do you
> use?   Who uses 4 x 5 color film in their pinhole
> cameras and how tricky is it to develop at home - or do
> you send it out?  Any feedback would be appreciated.
>                                     skippy
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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