
I just joined this group as I am hoping to take up my
pinhole photography again. I am curious about contact
printers and I haven't seen much discussion about them
here. I use 4x5 paper negs and in the past printed
with a contact printer. I just got a used one on Ebay,
an Airequipt Junior. It's in fantastic shape, but I'm
a little confused- it doesn't have an on/off switch,
the light stays on continuously when plugged in, and
the "safe light" seems to just be a little red window
on the front. I am accustomed to a safe light that
stays on while the lid is lifted and a white light
that comes on when the lid is latched. Any ideas on
fitting this with a switch, or better yet, locating an
instruction booklet? I assume this item is old and I
don't belive Airequipt is around any more. Thanks so
much for any answers! I really enjoy this resource!


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