Hi all,

Here is a bit more inof on the steering committee.

The members of the committee are as follows:

Larry Fratkin, Guy Glorieux, Jean Daubas, Gregg Kemp, Zernike Au, Guillermo
Penate, George Smyth, James Kellar and Ed Levinson*

At this time we have noleader of this group, but I'm sure that one might pop
up at any time.

If you have been on the discussion list for a while I'm sure you know
everyone on the committee. If not, we have all had a strong interest in
pinhole photography for many years, and have been members of this list for a
long time. If you have asked a question on the list, chances are one the
names above answered your question.

If you are new to the list you might ask what is the "World Pinhole
Photography Day"? I don't remember who started, but some one in this group
brought up the subject of having one day out of the year devoted to promote
pinhole photography. That is any one who wished to participate, inside or
outside the discussion group, could take a photograph using a pinhole camera
during a 24 hour period. Photogaphs taken durning this time frame could be
then uploaded to the web for all the world to see. If you want to become
more involved it the WPPD, Guy Glorieux will be asking for volunteers on
servral projects. There will be lots of work to go around.

So what's next? I have been asking for suggestions on servral issues that
deal with WPPD over this last week. Sunday night I will send your
suggestions to Gregg Kemp who has built a polling web page. As soon has
Gregg has it finished he will announce it to the list membership, and
everyone can then go vote on such things as, what day this event will
happen, or what shall we call this WPPD thing. Plus other issues. The logo
issue will be addressed at some future date.

Any way thanks to every one who sent in suggestions, opinions, and other
comments. As soon as the WPPD polling page opens, remember to go vote.



*Ed Levinson is not a offical member of the committee, he will be keeping an
eye on us and throwing in his 2 cents worth in every once in a while. 

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