
This is a good idea.  I was mulling over that myself last night during a period
of insomnia.  It would be nice if we could also mention Eric Renner's Pinhole
Resource involvement  in the creation of this event.  It would give it greater
breadth for those that are not active with Pinhole Vision.

Leezy, you know him well, I beleive.  Do you think you could contact him and get
him interested?  It could perhaps be a joint announcement by Pinhole Vision and
Pinhole Resource...?    -:))

Meanwhile, I'll see if I can come up with a draft press release that I could
circulate to everybody for comments.  There will obviously be many gaps, since
there are still many issues that have'nt been finalized...  (May take me a day
or two to draft something).  Unless Gregg wants to jump into this himself...



Larry Fratkin wrote:

> Folks,
>  It would be nice if we had a press release drafted announcing this event to
> the world. Then each of us could send it to our local and regional news
> media. Perhaps the people at Pinhole Visions could put something together.

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