I am trying to do 16mm (film) pinhole photo, and I am finding that for optimum-pinhole size the f-stop is around F-100. Leaving me and my 40 ASA film stock at a rough shutter speed (metered for the lights that I use) of TWO MINUTES. Now, on the other hand I have seen (on the web) a fellow who made a (non-optimum size) pinhole with an F-stop of 30 for a 16mm movie camera, and "push-processed his 500 ASA film accordingly to get a good exposure.
The point of all of this is: how light sensitive is your video camera? You MAY (though I have not tried it) have to make a very large pinhole to get a decent exposure. But then again, it could be just the look you need...who knows?? why not try it? If you already have the camera, it won't add much cost to slap a homemade pinhole lens on the front, w/ camera tape or some similar method.
I am experimenting too, let me know how that turns out.
Good luck,
-Ed Gendron

I realize it is a shameful public display of my ignorance, but...
Can a pinhole "lens" be adapted to black and white video photography?
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Edwin Gendron
Virginia Tech
Residential and Dining Programs Graphics
43 Owens Hall (0223)
Blacksburg, Va. 24061

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