Mon, 02 Okt 2000 - Jean Daubas schrieb / wrote :

Hi Jean,

thanks for your reply to my info-mail. But I was very surprised about
the very strange french-english-mix ;-) of words. I've no idea how
this can happen. It looks to me like a partially translation ;-). But
never mind!

Listen, today I won an EBAY-auction and so I'm the proud owner of a
KIEV88-TTL (ukrainian Hasselblad-Clone). Isn't it a good basic
instrument to convert it to a pinhole camera ;-) ?  Now the
"hole-pokeing" is up again. Hope to get good results with this camera.

  /// Are there any advices from experienced 6x6 ///
  /// pinhole camera users (film type 120) ? ///


> Damned !
> some surrealistic linguage transformations seemed to occur in my
> answer to Herbert's post !
Jean, I've not to blame myself ;-).

> My eyes could not believe the strange words created by my PC -neither
> english, nor french- in my previous message :
>> falling down all night long an thés mornifle toi. it. dis not privent
>> me from gong outsider on y mounda biche vit sevrage hand cameras :
>> watt I lice in bade weber fis te opportunité to world vit vert long
>> exposures. 
> The best readers have probably succeeded in retrieving
> the original truth (!) :
> (...) ...falling down all night long and this morning too. It did not
> prevent me from going outside on my mountain bike with several
> hand-made cameras : what I like in bad weather is the opportunity to
> work with very long exposures... (...)
Thanks for this "unscrambled" text section ;-). Jean, now I understud
what you are doing out in the rain ;-). You are going to risc your
health for a few pinhole pictures - that's enthusiasm, isn't it?

> I begin to believe that  my Text software is a pinhole text software,
> bringing us a vision upon words as strange and impredictable than
> the new reality of the world offerred to us pinholers by our funny
> black holes cameras.
It's a really strange idea but may be you are right ;-)!

> Apologizes for these distorsions (added to my bad use of english
> linguage!).
Apology isn't necessary! I never mind what happens!

See you later on ... 

Have a nice day & smile  ---  HERBERT

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