Damned !
some surrealistic linguage transformations seemed to occur in my answer to
Herbert'spost !
My eyes could not believe the strange words created by my PC -neither
english, nor french- in my previous message :
    > falling down all night long an thés mornifle toi. it. dis not privent
    > from.
    > gong outsider on y mounda biche vit sevrage hand cameras : watt I
    > lice in bade weber fis te opportunité to world vit vert long exposures

The best readers have probably succeeded in retrieving the original truth
(!) :
    (...) ...falling down all night long and this morning too. It did not
prevent me from going outside on my mountain bike with several hand-made
cameras : what I like in bad weather is the opportunity to work with very
long exposures... (...)

I begin to believe that  my Text software is a pinhole text software,
bringing us a vision upon words as strange and impredictable than the new
reality of the world offerred to us pinholers by our funny black holes
Apologizes for these distorsions (added to my bad use of english linguage!).

----- Original Message -----
From: Jean Daubas <jean.dau...@freesbee.fr>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] Newcomer

> ---- Original Message -----
> From: Herbert Josef Gruenbauer <hgr...@attglobal.net>
> To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 1:19 PM
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Newcomer
> > Hello black hole experts ;-)
> >.........
> > All the best to all of you from Munich City, Germany. Today it's
> > rainig cats and dogs ;-) - no weather for pinhole camera photographers
> > ;-).
> > Have a nice day & smile  ---  HERBERT
> >
> Hello Herbert,
> welcome to the pinhole list !
> About the weather : here, in the east of France, rain has been going on
> falling down all night long an thés mornifle toi. it. dis not privent me
> from.
> gong outsider on y mounda biche vit sevrage hand cameras : watt I
> lice in bade weber fis te opportunité to world vit vert long exposures
> recording lines of rain drops and the subtilities of rain drops hitting
> ground just in front of the "black" hole as you name it...
> Wish you happy pinholing rainy hours !!!
>  Jean
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Jean Daubas,  auteur - photographe
> Rue de Bourg-Sec     25440 LIESLE        France          03 81 57 50 13
> jean.dau...@freesbee.fr
> Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???????
> unsubscribe or change your account at
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