Hello black hole experts ;-)

I'm new to your list. Hope to pick up some good advises for better
understanding PHCams. I'm 49 years of age and I'm interested in
photography since the early 60th.

At the moment I'm using a homemade box to exposure ILFORD MULTIGRADE
IV (5x7") photographic paper. The exposure times are quite long and I'm
not satisfied with the results. My be the 0.4mm (0.016") pinhole is to
raw - made from a piece of peanut can cover ;-). I poked the hole and
measured the diameter under a microscope. The shape wasn't 100% round
but the edge is smooth.

Now I'm looking forward to get more experience. May be some day I will
show you a few of my PHC-pictures. But first let me upgrade a bit ;-).

All the best to all of you from Munich City, Germany. Today it's
rainig cats and dogs ;-) - no weather for pinhole camera photographers

Have a nice day & smile  ---  HERBERT

HERIBERT JOSEF GRUENBAUER  hgr...@attglobal.net           LINUX SYSTEM
Please visit our homepage  http://pws.prserv.net/gruenbauer        eof

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