
I'm preparing DigiKam 4.x packages for Debian.  While I've used KDE for ages, 
I'm new to the development side, so I have a couple questions.

The previous Debian package was DigiKam 4.4.  I just created an initial 4.14 
package.   Between 4.4 and 4.14, several "extra" libraries were split out and 
are no longer distributed in the digikam source: libkdcraw  libkexiv2  
libkface  libkgeomap  libkipi  libksane  libkvkontakte  libmediawiki.  Several 
of these are already packaged in Debian and I just used them in the build.  

Others are not yet packaged for Debian (e.g. libkgeomap and libkface) so I had 
to drop functionality temporarily.  Now I'm looking for the canonical source 
location of these former "extras".  

Question 1: Given that I'm building DigiKam 4.x, I presume I'll need a 
KDE4/Qt4 version of each extra.  Is that the case?

The first place I found was https://www.digikam.org/sharedlibs where I can find 
links some of these extras, including kface and geomap.    The kface link 
takes me to 
https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdegraphics/libs/libkface/repository but 
here the latest commit is March 2015.  The geomap link has bitrotted and 
brings up a 404.

Next, I found http://download.kde.org/stable/applications/15.12.0/src/ which 
has kface and geomanip.   Debian has an "experimental" package for kface that 
is version 15.04.0, built against KDE4/Qt4.  The new 15.12 version builds 
against KF5 and Qt5.   The geomap v15.12 sources also build against KF5.

Question 2: If I can't use the latest kface, should I just go backwards in 
time to find the last release using KDE4 and use that with DigiKam?  


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