> first question: can the independent models just drop and fd in /srv
> and talk to each other that way, as 9p servers? Present resources as
> files which are read and written to (not real files, of course; that's
> just how they look). Then you can enumerate the capabilities of a
> model by ls and friends.

I am not sure I know what you mean by "drop", but if you mean drop into
/srv, then yes that would work.  It looks like I was thinking about it
completely wrong.  Sorry.

> It's a question of coupling. Are they so tightly coupled they need to
> share memory space or can they be more loosely coupled?

This is a question of efficiency.  In the past, and eventually, I would
like to have both, but for now having it work through /srv et al.

> If they really need to share an address space, then we can talk about
> how to do dynamic module loading/unloading; it's pretty easy and I
> have sample code somewhere. 

The address space only comes into play with model/resource discovery
(which can be hard coded in a configuration file), and possibly with data
scoping rules (which gets complicated has heck because that is needed for
data mining during a meta-model restructuring).  Let me focus on the /srv
implementation and bother you later with loading/unloading for tightly
coupling to increase efficiency on a given core.

> Is this python or C?

C, but once it is working getting Python and maybe (cringe) FORTRAN would
be great -- but that is for a later expansion.

  EBo --

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