On Friday 12 September 2008, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> (I'm on the list, CC:ing me not necessary, it confuses my filtering ...)
> On Friday 12 September 2008 19:21:58 Riccardo Iaconelli wrote:
> > On Friday 12 September 2008 18:35:37 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > > Nice :) It's only a mockup. I want to implement it with the
> > > Plasma::Widgets. We'll be up for another round anyway. It'll take a
> > > couple of days until I can show some code, you're welcome to help with
> > > polishing then -- share th
> >
> > Please wait for my mock before doing any code.
> I've already *done* some code on this (as I've indicated on IRC last monday
> already), and I'd rather not wait for a different UI proposal (and
> basically throw away seele's and aseigo's effort in reviewing the current
> one).

that UI proposal was done a while ago, actually. i assumed you were working 
together and instead decided on this. it turns out that we have had two people 
working independently on this even though both knew the other was doing 
something. let's see if we can't bring it back together.

> We'll take this mockup as a basis, play around with it, and do a couple of
> iterations until the user interface is good. So I'd rather have your
> feedback based on the current mockup and take that into account than "wait
> for my mockup with that". I don't like to be blocked like this ...

i appreciate that you've done some code and work on this, but this mockup was 
shown around and as far as i know you were also aware of it?

while it's not fun to be blocked by waiting for others, i don't think the 
answer is "well, i've got this here, so that's what we'll use". certainly code 
written trumps no code written, but let's not be inflexible about it either.

i'd like to see Riccardo's proposal on this list, we can discuss the benefits 
or lack thereof of it, see who is willing to actually write code for it (if 
anyone) and move on from there.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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