Marco Martin wrote:

> On Monday 02 November 2009, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> > On October 30, 2009, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> >> would prefer to only show the actual notes in the stack on click so
>> >> they could be dragged elsewhere. Obviously the background svg of it
>> >> should not be as it is, or the size it currently is. Additionally I
>> >> need to give some visual indication of colour in the notes, either the
>> >> notes themselves being a different colour, or having a strip of a
>> >> colour that can be set etc.
>> >
>> > these are all doable; i just wonder if it's the best we can do for a
>> > UI. i'm not getting any inspired thoughts right now (too early in the
>> > day still, i think :) but maybe if i think on it or if someone else
>> > comes up with a great idea we could device a nicer more plasma approach
>> > to showing stacks of notes.
>> >
>> >> Would having one master applet and each note as a satellite applet
>> >> work?
>> >
>> > it would probably fail in some situations or just be more difficult
>> > than necessary to get working properly. when the notes are separated by
>> > the user into individual pieces, they should probably just become
>> > individual applets.
>> So could a combined approach work? When new notes are inserted elsewhere
>>  and should be represented in plasma too, could it be put into an
>>  extender, and then if the extender is dragged out it becomes another
>>  plasma applet?
>> Would it then be possible to drag a detached note back to the stack and
>>  into an extender?
> i think no point in making them extenders if they are going to be full
> applets once detached.
> best idea is probably the one rfom sebas, making the notes applet there is
> now to manage akonadi urls drop, so in that case would be connected to
> akonadi and save there
> there would be another applet that would show a simple list view  of the
> notes text where is possible to drag notes out (same thing should be
> possible also from kjots to look really killer)

Yeah, that sounds pretty good. This is the kind of thing I meant when I 
wrote about a master applet with satellites applets, which Aaron wrote would 
fail in some situations. I'm not certain if this is what he meant, but some 
issues that I see are:

* Can the master applet or list applet know when a note it is listing is 
dropped onto the workspace and should not be shown in the list anymore.
* Can the master applet know when a note applet was closed/dismissed and 
should be shown in the list again.
* Can the master applet notify the note if it gets deleted in akonadi. (in 
the kjots application for example). There is another solution for this one 
in akonadi if not.
* Would it be possible to drag one of the note applets back into the master 

However, reading it again, this:

> when the notes are separated by
> the user into individual pieces, they should probably just become
> individual applets.

looks like you, he and I are talking about the same thing. It might have 
been a misunderstanding about what I meant by master widget with satellites. 
I meant one widget to hold those notes in a list which are not otherwise on 
the canvas, and individual notes, one for each widget which has been dragged 

Are we talking about the same thing?


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