Sebastian Kügler wrote:

> On Monday 02 November 2009 15:08:31 Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> Marco Martin wrote:
>> Yeah, that sounds pretty good. This is the kind of thing I meant when I
>> wrote about a master applet with satellites applets, which Aaron wrote
>>  would fail in some situations. I'm not certain if this is what he meant,
>>  but some issues that I see are:
>> * Can the master applet or list applet know when a note it is listing is
>> dropped onto the workspace and should not be shown in the list anymore.
> Are you sure you want this behaviour? I'd just keep the list complete and
> not "move around" notes, but "pass references" to notes and just create
> additional views. (I also don't like kmail's behaviour which removes
> emails from the listview that you open, makes it really hard to find
> something when you have 10 email windows open).

Well, yes that's a good point. Maybe it would make sense to not remove them 
when dragged, but just to create a reference. That would make it possible to 
have the same note on the workspace/containment twice. Is that desired 
behaviour? I can't think of any technical blocks to that, so that's more 
just a UX question.

>> * Can the master applet know when a note applet was closed/dismissed and
>> should be shown in the list again.
>> * Can the master applet notify the note if it gets deleted in akonadi.
>> (in the kjots application for example). There is another solution for
>> this one in akonadi if not.
> You can do that using the item, no?

Yes, I can create an Akonadi::ItemMonitor for each dropped note on the 
workspace which will tell me when the note gets updated/deleted.

>> * Would it be possible to drag one of the note applets back into the
>> master applet?
> Yes, just implement the dropevent.

A non issue though really if notes do not get removed from the list on drag. 
All the user would have to do is close/dismiss the note applet.

>> However, reading it again, this:
>> > when the notes are separated by
>> > the user into individual pieces, they should probably just become
>> > individual applets.
>> looks like you, he and I are talking about the same thing. It might have
>> been a misunderstanding about what I meant by master widget with
>>  satellites. I meant one widget to hold those notes in a list which are
>>  not otherwise on the canvas, and individual notes, one for each widget
>>  which has been dragged out.
>> Are we talking about the same thing?
> Yep :)

Cool, well I'll look into this more in that case.

By the way, There's now a discussion on kde-pim@ about the more long term 
plan for notes I mentioned before which you may find interesting:

All the best,


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