On Monday 02 November 2009 15:08:31 Stephen Kelly wrote:
> Marco Martin wrote:
> Yeah, that sounds pretty good. This is the kind of thing I meant when I
> wrote about a master applet with satellites applets, which Aaron wrote
>  would fail in some situations. I'm not certain if this is what he meant,
>  but some issues that I see are:
> * Can the master applet or list applet know when a note it is listing is
> dropped onto the workspace and should not be shown in the list anymore.

Are you sure you want this behaviour? I'd just keep the list complete and not 
around" notes, but "pass references" to notes and just create additional views. 
also don't like kmail's behaviour which removes emails from the listview that 
open, makes it really hard to find something when you have 10 email windows 

> * Can the master applet know when a note applet was closed/dismissed and
> should be shown in the list again.
> * Can the master applet notify the note if it gets deleted in akonadi. (in
> the kjots application for example). There is another solution for this one
> in akonadi if not.

You can do that using the item, no?

> * Would it be possible to drag one of the note applets back into the master
> applet?

Yes, just implement the dropevent.

> However, reading it again, this:
> > when the notes are separated by
> > the user into individual pieces, they should probably just become
> > individual applets.
> looks like you, he and I are talking about the same thing. It might have
> been a misunderstanding about what I meant by master widget with
>  satellites. I meant one widget to hold those notes in a list which are not
>  otherwise on the canvas, and individual notes, one for each widget which
>  has been dragged out.
> Are we talking about the same thing?

Yep :)

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