broulik added inline comments.


> CMakeLists.txt:1
> +add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"plasmauser-kcm\")
> +

This must match the `KAboutData` name (which is `kcm_user`) and what 
`` is actually extracting into.

> ChangePassword.qml:29
> +
> +Kirigami.OverlaySheet {
> +    function openAndClear() {

You might want to add a `FocusScope` and then add some key handlers for return 
and what not

> ChangePassword.qml:31
> +    function openAndClear() {
> +        verifyField.text = passwordField.text = ""
> +

One assignment per line, please

> ChangePassword.qml:35
> +
> +    property variant account
> +

`variant` is obsolete, use `var`.
Perhaps use more specific `QtObject` type

> ChangePassword.qml:67
> +                    user.password = passwordField.text
> +                    ChangePassword.window.hide()
> +                }

How does that work?

> CreateUser.qml:51
> +        }
> +        TextField {
> +            id: passwordField

There's a `Kirigami.PasswordField`

> UserDetailsPage.qml:50
> +
> +    Menu {
> +        id: imagePickerMenu

No user picture gallery anymore?

> UserDetailsPage.qml:69
> +
> +    FileDialog {
> +        id: fileDialog

Start in pictures folder?
I think you can set that by doing


> UserDetailsPage.qml:89
> +
> +                Image {
> +                    source: user.face

Set a `sourceSize` to keep it from loading a full size image when user choses 
an absurdly large image

> UserDetailsPage.qml:110
> +                text: user.realName
> +                placeholderText: i18n("John Doe")
> +

Add context `i18nc("Example name", "John Doe")`

> UserDetailsPage.qml:112
> +
> +                onTextChanged: {
> +                    kcm.needsSave = true

Use `onEditingFinished`

> UserDetailsPage.qml:132
> +
> +                model: [
> +                    i18n("Standard"),

I'd prefer if you did

  textRole: "label"
  model: [
      {type: "standard", label: i18n("Standard")},
      {type: "admin", label: i18n("Administrator")}

and then in the place where you check admin check for `type` rather than `index 
=== 1`

> UserDetailsPage.qml:140
> +                currentIndex: user.administrator ? 1 : 0
> +                property bool isAdmin: false
> +

Looks unused

> UserDetailsPage.qml:153
> +                text:
> +                placeholderText: i18n("")
> +                Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Email address:")

Add `i18nc`

> main.qml:34
> +
> +KCM.SimpleKCM {
> +    id: root

How about using a `ScrollViewKCM` instead since all you get as main item is a 

> main.qml:53
> +            id: userList
> +            property int idx: -1;
> +            model: UserModel

`ListView` has a `currentIndex` concept

> main.qml:54
> +            property int idx: -1;
> +            model: UserModel
> +            spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing

Can you please namespace most of your imports, I'm having hard time figuring 
out where all those types come from.

> main.qml:87
> +                        Label {
> +                            text: name
> +                            opacity: 0.8

Access via `model` everywhere, please, i.e. ``

> main.qml:115
> +        Item {
> +            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
> +            Layout.fillWidth: true

Not needed?

> main.qml:120
> +        Button {
> +            id: addConnectionButton
> +            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight

Connection? :) Also, this `id` is unused, remove

> main.qml:125
> +
> +            text: i18n("Add new user")
> +

Needs title capitalization

> kcm.cpp:53
> +
> +    qmlRegisterSingletonType<UserModel>("org.kde.userng", 1, 0, "UserModel", 
> [](QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine) -> QObject* {
> +        Q_UNUSED(engine)

This doesn't need to be exposed as a full-fledged QML Type.
Just make this a `CONSTANT` `Q_PROPERTY` on this class and access via 

> kcm.cpp:60
> +    });
> +    qmlRegisterSingletonType<UserController>("org.kde.userng", 1, 0, 
> "UserController", [](QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine) -> QObject* 
> {
> +        Q_UNUSED(engine)

Also doesn't need to be a fully-fledged qml type. Just make `createUser` and 
`deleteUser` `Q_INVOKABLE` on this class and call them via `kcm.createUser`

> user.cpp:22
> +
> +#include <QDebug>
> +#include <user.h>


> user.cpp:42
> +    mUid = value;
> +    uidChanged(value);
> +}

Write `emit` or `Q_EMIT` before signal calls

> user.cpp:91
> +
> +    QString face = QUrl(value).toLocalFile();
> +

Why not use `QUrl` as property type then?

> user.cpp:127
> +void User::setPath(const QDBusObjectPath &path) {
> +    m_dbusIface = new 
> OrgFreedesktopAccountsUserInterface(QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Accounts"),
>  path.path(), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), this);
> +

You're leaking the old one, if this method is called multiple times

> user.cpp:129
> +
> +    if (!m_dbusIface->isValid() || m_dbusIface->lastError().isValid() || 
> m_dbusIface->systemAccount()) {
> +        return;

`m_dbusIface->systemAccount()` may block waiting for a reply, not sure how 
severe that is

> user.cpp:137
> +    mFace = m_dbusIface->iconFile();
> +    mFaceValid = QFile::exists(mFace);
> +    mRealName = m_dbusIface->realName();

Use `QFileInfo::exists`

> user.cpp:189
> +{
> +    m_dbusIface->SetEmail(mEmail).waitForFinished();
> +    m_dbusIface->SetRealName(mRealName).waitForFinished();

Can you make this async? Make an `ApplyJob`, maybe? You're doing four blocking 
calls in a row, which may also spawn a polkit prompt?

> user.h:32
> +
> +    Q_PROPERTY(int uid READ uid
> +            WRITE setUid

Put all in one line

> user.h:59
> +
> +    Q_PROPERTY(QString password WRITE setPassword)
> +

Clever, not having a `READ` but I think it's mandatory?

> user.h:61
> +
> +    Q_PROPERTY(bool loggedIn READ loggedIn)
> +

Either add `NOTIFY` signal or declare `CONSTANT`

> user.h:74
> +public:
> +    explicit User(QObject* parent = nullptr);
> +

Please clean up coding style in both this header and implementation

> user.h:129
> +private:
> +    int mUid;
> +    QString mName;

Those all seem to be uninitialized

> usercontroller.cpp:32
> +{
> +    m_dbusInterface = new 
> OrgFreedesktopAccountsInterface(QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Accounts"), 
> QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/Accounts"), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), 
> this);
> +}

Move to initializer list.
Perhaps also add `parent` argument, even if it's defaulted to `nullptr`

> usercontroller.cpp:38
> +    QDBusPendingReply<QDBusObjectPath> reply = 
> m_dbusInterface->CreateUser(name, realName, 0);
> +    reply.waitForFinished();
> +    if (reply.isValid()) {


> usercontroller.h:35
> +    explicit UserController();
> +    virtual ~UserController() = default;
> +

`~UserController() override = default`

> usermodel.cpp:32
> +    : QAbstractListModel(parent)
> +    , m_dbusInterface(nullptr)
> +{

Initialize here

> usermodel.cpp:51
> +    connect(m_dbusInterface, &OrgFreedesktopAccountsInterface::UserDeleted, 
> this, [this](const QDBusObjectPath &path) {
> +        for (User* user: m_userList) {
> +            if (user->path() == path) {

Use algorithms, `std::remove_if` (which despite its name just moves the items 
you want to remove to the end of the list) in conunction with `erase` which 
then actually removes them. But surely don't mutate a list while you're 
iterating it.

However, you can only ever have one match in this instance, right? So perhaps 
`std::find_if` and then just remove that one item.

> usermodel.cpp:62
> +
> +    QDBusPendingReply <QList <QDBusObjectPath > > reply = 
> m_dbusInterface->ListCachedUsers();
> +    reply.waitForFinished();

`auto` is your friend :D

> usermodel.cpp:63
> +    QDBusPendingReply <QList <QDBusObjectPath > > reply = 
> m_dbusInterface->ListCachedUsers();
> +    reply.waitForFinished();
> +

Use `QDBusPendingReplyWatcher`

> usermodel.cpp:96
> +UserModel::~UserModel()
> +{
> +}

You're leaking all the users.

> usermodel.cpp:103
> +        if (user->loggedIn()) {
> +            return user;
> +        }

Mind that you're returning a parent-less `QObject` from a `Q_INVOKABLE` which 
means the QML gc will adopt it and delete it as it sees fit yielding funny 

Either parent the `User` objects to `this` (then you also don't have to delete 
them manually in the destructor), or `QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(user, 

(However, this doesn't seem to be used?)

> usermodel.cpp:111
> +{
> +    if (!index.isValid()
> +        || index.row() < 0

There's `checkIndex`

> usermodel.cpp:118
> +
> +    User *user = m_userList[index.row()];
> +

Prefer `.at()`. (Doesn't really matter here since the method is `const`)

> usermodel.cpp:139
> +            return user->loggedIn();
> +        default:
> +             return QVariant();

No `default` case, so we notice when we add new stuff. Just add a `return 
QVariant()` at the end of the method

> usermodel.h:37
> +    enum ModelRoles {
> +        UidRole,
> +        NameRole,

Start at `Qt::UserRole`

> usermodel.h:39
> +        NameRole,
> +        RealNameRole,
> +        EmailRole,

This one should probably be `Qt::DisplayRole`

> usermodel.h:41
> +        EmailRole,
> +        FaceRole,
> +        FaceValidRole,

This could perhaps be `Qt::DecorationRole`

> usermodel.h:60
> +    void rowsChanged();
> +

What's this for?

> usersessions.h:33
> +
> +typedef QList<UserInfo> UserInfoList;


> usersessions.h:43
> +        explicit UserSession(QObject* parent = nullptr);
> +        virtual ~UserSession();
> +

`~UserSession() override;`

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: cblack, #plasma, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: broulik, filipf, ngraham, nicolasfella, zzag, plasma-devel, Orage, 
LeGast00n, The-Feren-OS-Dev, cblack, jraleigh, zachus, fbampaloukas, GB_2, 
ragreen, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol, ahiemstra, mart

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