ngraham added a comment.

  Regarding groups, obviously if it isn't a part of this patch, then it isn't a 
part of this patch. I don't think it makes sense to WONTFIX the idea of it 
though. I not-infrequenrly wish for a GUI method of changing my user's group 
membership. Yes, I know how to do it using the CLI, but I find it easier and 
faster to use a GUI most of the time.
  Regarding removing the auto-login checkbox, I understand that this isn't the 
most technically appropriate place for it and it's already available somewhere 
else. I won't block the patch on this, but I do think it's nice to have it here 
too. This is IMO a pretty logical place for people to look for the setting.
  Thanks for using a more conventional list style. I'm still not super happy 
about the list item for the current user being bigger though. It just feels 
kinda weird IMO: F8196116: Screenshot_20200323_214428.png 
  The emergingstandard we're moving towards is making the text bold fur the 
current/default item in a list, and I think this qualifies.
  Also as you can see, the list item for my account doesn't display the user 
picture that's visible on the account page for some reason.
  I also noticed that the width threshold for switching to two-column view is 
so close to the minimum size of System Settings' window that some weird effects 
are produced: F8196118: vokoscreenNG-2020-03-23_21-39-08.webm 
  The threshold should probably be reduced a bit so that you always see the 
two-column view in the System Settings app itself when the app is using its 
default/minimum window size. Same for when opened in KCMShell, or else it opens 
really small and my name gets cut off: F8196114: Screenshot_20200323_214240.png 
  Various other KCMs set a more appropriate default size in KCMShell by setting 
their own `implicitWidth` and `implicitHeight` values on the root item.
  Oh and check this out: F8196119: vokoscreenNG-2020-03-23_21-48-55.webm 
  One last UI regression I noticed: you can no longer set the account type 
during account creation; you now need to create the account, then select it, 
and change the type there. You should still be able to choose the type during 
account creation


> metadata.desktop:4
> +Comment=Manage users
> +Icon=system-users
> +Keywords=

Don't change the icon. The old was appropriately using 

> user_manager.desktop:3
> +Exec=kcmshell5 user_manager
> +Icon=system-users
> +Type=Service


  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: cblack, #plasma, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: crossi, The-Feren-OS-Dev, davidedmundson, broulik, filipf, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, zzag, plasma-devel, Orage, LeGast00n, cblack, jraleigh, zachus, 
fbampaloukas, GB_2, ragreen, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, ahiemstra, mart

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