
A bunch of us want to get together in May to put finishing touches in Plasma 
Next. This sprint is important because it allows us to sit down and fix 
remaining bugs.

I am proposing dates here, though this is meant as a "soft proposal", May is a 
busy month, and we can't realistically get everyone into the same place. But 
even just with a few of us, it will be worth it. We will meet in the Blue 
Systems Barcelona office, if possible for a week of frantic bugfixing.

I'd like to ask the KDE e.V. for funding of some of the costs, and some people 
might need visa, so let's start early, and get the planning done asap. We 
might not be able to get the e.V. to fund some of the costs, since we already 
had a sprint in January, but let's try nevertheless.

Please specify the dates that you could make to Barcelona until Friday 
evening, latest, so we can proceed with the planning.



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