
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Sebastian Kügler <se...@kde.org> wrote:
> I am proposing dates here, though this is meant as a "soft proposal", May is a
> busy month, and we can't realistically get everyone into the same place. But
> even just with a few of us, it will be worth it. We will meet in the Blue
> Systems Barcelona office, if possible for a week of frantic bugfixing.

I would love to report bugs, triage bugs and help in bug fixing in
this sprint but.. Again dates are totally impossible for me.. Final
year exams. I don't know dates of exams (2 days of exam and 2 week of
preparation) yet but I think dates after 15 may suits best to me.

> I'd like to ask the KDE e.V. for funding of some of the costs, and some people
> might need visa, so let's start early, and get the planning done asap. We
> might not be able to get the e.V. to fund some of the costs, since we already
> had a sprint in January, but let's try nevertheless.

Thanks for this.. :) but I think I will not take part in this sprint,
given my exams, GSoC 2014 and probably I will increase sprint budget
(around 700 EUR, my ticket cost).. :P


Bhushan Shah

IRC Nick : bshah on Freenode
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