
While not strictly on-topic, may I use the chance and ask if there is any 
probability of Plasma or KDE in general having a sprint somewhere in 
Northern Europe, i.e. Germany, Finland, Sweden? At the very least, in the 
new office in Edinburgh?

Thank you and apologies for the off-topic question!

Best regards,
Ignat Semenov

Sebastian Kügler wrote:

> Hey,
> A bunch of us want to get together in May to put finishing touches in
> Plasma Next. This sprint is important because it allows us to sit down 
> fix remaining bugs.
> I am proposing dates here, though this is meant as a "soft proposal", May
> is a busy month, and we can't realistically get everyone into the same
> place. But even just with a few of us, it will be worth it. We will meet
> in the Blue Systems Barcelona office, if possible for a week of frantic
> bugfixing.
> I'd like to ask the KDE e.V. for funding of some of the costs, and some
> people might need visa, so let's start early, and get the planning done
> asap. We might not be able to get the e.V. to fund some of the costs,
> since we already had a sprint in January, but let's try nevertheless.
> Please specify the dates that you could make to Barcelona until Friday
> evening, latest, so we can proceed with the planning.
> http://doodle.com/4qygezcx9zfnvahb
> Cheers,
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