On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:37 PM, David Edmundson wrote:

> Awesome!
> That login theme in nice, and I like the idea of the visual
> consistency throughout. I'll have a go at implementing the login stuff
> on Monday, maybe the lock screen too as it'll be mostly copy & paste.


> I have a few things that need adding to the login theme, maybe you can
> incorporate them in the mockup?
>  - Session Choosing (KDE, Gnome, etc.)
>  - Language selection (English, Deutsch)
>  - Possibly keyboard layout selection

Here we go:

So as I was trying to find a place for the session and language, I tried to
come up a very rough information model for the visual design:

The session and language items show status and also allow you to change
them so I put them in that overlap area (status+action). (I also moved the
battery info out of that area). Hopefully that provides enough info to
figure out what else could go where.

> I also currently need all 4 power options, suspend, shutdown, reboot,
> hibernate.

We're happy to supply to those visuals. Between Jens and myself, we'll have
them for you in a few days.

> It would be ideal for me if in future in mockups from the SVG we can
> label which SVGs from the Plasma theme are being used where; and if
> there's anything new/custom. I think the main horizontal stripe is
> new?

Oh yes, good idea. Perhaps just focus primarily on using the plasma theme
colors first (inverted as discussed in my reply to Marco). Something as
simple as that horizontal line shouldn't need much more than the theme
color and the opacity setting. The plasma widget background should work for
the user pic frames. Other visual assets like icons, I'm not sure where the
best place for them is: plasma theme icons or system theme icons. Others
are better equipped to make that decision than me. :-) We're happy to
supply all the visual assets for this design though.

Hope this helps,
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