On Saturday 05 April 2014 18:54:03 Andrew Lake wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:37 PM, David Edmundson wrote:
> > Awesome!
> > That login theme in nice, and I like the idea of the visual
> > consistency throughout. I'll have a go at implementing the login stuff
> > on Monday, maybe the lock screen too as it'll be mostly copy & paste.
> Yay!
> > I have a few things that need adding to the login theme, maybe you can
> > incorporate them in the mockup?
> > 
> >  - Session Choosing (KDE, Gnome, etc.)
> >  - Language selection (English, Deutsch)
> >  - Possibly keyboard layout selection
> Here we go:
> http://wstaw.org/m/2014/04/06/login_with_session_and_language.png
> So as I was trying to find a place for the session and language, I tried to
> come up a very rough information model for the visual design:
> http://wstaw.org/m/2014/04/06/visual_information_model.png
> The session and language items show status and also allow you to change
> them so I put them in that overlap area (status+action). (I also moved the
> battery info out of that area). Hopefully that provides enough info to
> figure out what else could go where.

The information model makes a lot of sense to me!
Just one thing: It should just say "Plasma Desktop", not "KDE Plasma Desktop" 
(you know, branding...).

> > I also currently need all 4 power options, suspend, shutdown, reboot,
> > hibernate.
> We're happy to supply to those visuals. Between Jens and myself, we'll have
> them for you in a few days.

Btw: How did you decide which power options to always show and which to hide 
behind the dropdown? This is a delicate topic: There are good reasons for 
placing things like suspend and hibernate more prominently because they make 
sense from a technical perspective, while many users (pretty much all non-
developers I know) seem to prefer shutdown.
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