> Music player: VLC (I've taken form the thread that people feel Cantata's
> benefits over VLC do not outweigh its downsides)

The fact that people mentioned that Cantata has downsides is not
really a +1 for VLC - it is not like VLC is the only alternative to
Cantata (IMO, it is not an alternative at all).

> It still looks too much like Amarok 1.4 to fit in well with Plasma.

This is a strange statement.

What is the reasoning behind 'Amarok 1.4 does not fit Plasma'? Yes, it
was a player from pre-plasma days, but that does not really mean it is
bad for Plasma.

It uses breeze icons, has no problems with the breeze theme.

I agree Clementine is a bit uglier than Cantata (and it has some
custom-drawn UI elements), but it also has some advantages over it.

And I would not dismiss the fact that Amarok 1.x was *the* player for
Linux (not only KDE users).

This is a side-by-side somparison of their UIs:
Breeze: https://i.snag.gy/pWtbPk.jpg
QtCurve: https://i.snag.gy/5CXz3K.jpg

It would be cool if we had some tool for these kinds of discussions
where we could all list pros and cons of various programs to be able
to get the whole picture before deciding.

Anyone knows of an online sevice for this?


p.s. And, as a reminder, I wrote all this despite the fact that I use Cantata.
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