On Monday 04 July 2016 18:37:59 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > File manager: Dolphin
> > Music player: Cantata
> I think Cantata is unsuited as it requires an mpd running. Given that
> it's out of scope for simple usage.

thing is, Cantata is the only Qt based music player i know that has an UI that 
I would consider to be any good (and yes, the dependency upon mpd may prove to 
be an insurmontable obstacle)

> While KWalletmanager gives a good integration in some KDE applications
> it's nothing I would recommend as a wallet manager. It is not well
> integrated into Plasma, it is not secure, it has a terrible first run
> experience with recommending to use a GPG key and then telling you that
> you don't have one and does not have any concept of synchronization. In
> the area of password storage there are way better solutions available in
> the FLOSS world

maybe is "not well integrated into plasma", but it's pretty much an hard 
dependency never the less (even if just for things like our networkmanager 
stuff that wants it for the wireless key) or fish kio, or kmail, or really any 
frameworks app that wants to save a password.
So, any problem it may have it's on us, and our responsibility to make it 
better, recomending a 3rd party one is not an option.
unless of course we take the effort to strip out every password saving 
capability from any of our software (and no, saying that's an application, 
it's not part of plasma so is not my problem it doesn't count)

Marco Martin
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