subdiff added a comment.

  In, @Kanedias wrote:
  > > On the other side PipeWire is pretty new and its documentation is nearly 
non-existent. I don't know if with PipeWire it really could work in the way I 
described above. Your current solution works right now. It might still be an 
idea if you are interested to check out if you could integrate your approach 
with PipeWire in the way I described above or something similar and if you 
could do this now or only after the current version version of your patches has 
  > Why is PipeWire preferred solution for this?
  The prefered solution from my side is one that is to clients the same on 
every Wayland compositor, so that clients only have to write one new backend 
for Wayland and not n for n Wayland compositors. The other important compositor 
in real world at the moment besides KWin is GNOME's mutter. Since they already 
have a working solution using PipeWire we should try to align our one with 
their one if it is feasible.
  > GNOME has to support EGLStreams which have no such thing as buffer 
management like GBM, they can't just do buffer fd passing.
  >  Martin said he's not interested in EGLStreams and this whole patchset was 
prepared in agreement with him.
  Neither am I interested in EGLStreams. This is also not about not using GBM. 
My sketched concept with the KDE Daemon would still use GBM buffers for passing 
data between KWin and the Daemon. Only afterwards the Daemon would stream the 
Gl texture to interested clients via PipeWire instead of using GBM.
  > Yes, adding additional copying would solve many things, but I guess it's 
out of scope for this patch.
  Not sure what you mean with additional copying. If you mean the Gl copy in 
the Daemon from my concept: As far as I've understood it with your current 
approach you need to do a Gl texture copy anyway in the KRfb backend (and 
probably in every other client using the protocol at the same time).
  > I'll take a look at PipeWire in my spare time. Is there any rush? I'm under 
strong impression something is happening.
  Thank you. There is no rush and nothing is happening out of the orderly.

  R108 KWin


To: Kanedias, graesslin, davidedmundson, subdiff, #kwin
Cc: subdiff, ngraham, alexeymin, aacid, kwin, #kwin, davidedmundson, 
plasma-devel, bwowk, leezu, ZrenBot, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
hardening, jensreuterberg, abetts, eliasp, sebas, apol, mart, hein

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