
The minutes and the log.


http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org
Plasma Team meeting, 6-11-2017

Present: notmart, Ridell, Sho, kbroulik, d_ed

* kirigami: support for colored icons in some more places: possibility to color 
the main action buttons, needed by discover (mart/icongroupproperty branch)
* qqc2 desktop style/qqc2 plasma style: fix the Dial element with Qt 5.10 (the 
impl api is not stable)
* investigate a regression in Qt 5.9.2, should be fixed in 5.9.3
* fixed bug 386454 on systemsettings not opening the proper modules sometimes
KDE bug 386454 in systemsettings (sidebarview) "Switching between modules 
doesn't always work" [normal,FIXED] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=386454
* merge kirigami plasma-settings, make it support unique application instances 
* kcms redesign and kirigami: long missing component which will be needed a lot 
for the kcms, FormLayout https://phabricator.kde.org/D8641 now fixing it 
following david's review

5.11.3 is due out tomorrow, all bugfixes welcome
I'm planning on going on holiday for a couple of weeks at the end of January, 
this clashes with plasma 5.12.0LTS release, is anyone able to do that instead?

not done much plasma this week; a couple of fixes in KAStats
I do have a new proposed fix for the wl_proxy_create_wrapper crash

* Released Simple Menu v1.0.4
* Moved Simple Menu to kdereview, so it can get a Bugzilla product soon
* Tested the wine fix I worked with them on, wine apps now show up nicely in 
the Task Manager
* Still working on libtm URL chaos fix
* Non-plasma: Working on search support in the new Konversation text view 
(biggest missing feature in that part of the UI), working on a 1.7.3 release 
for this week due to a security issue
* also talking to milian & co about the fv stuff here and there

* Did a KDE party on Friday with heirecka, mgraesslin, colomar, ximion, and 
* Did some minor improvements to systray config (applets/entries now sorted 
* Some minor optimizations in SortFilterModel/DataModel
* Gave KFind some love (notably startup speed) kfind stuff D8623 D8624 D8625
    Diff 8623 "Use QtConcurrent for populating mime type list" [Needs Review] 
    Diff 8624 "Add separator between special mime types and mime type list" 
[Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D8624
    Diff 8625 "Fix Save As feature" [Needs Review] 

* Looking into kscreen bugs
* debugging why the config isn't saved on wayland (as almost usual :-/) found 
the same problem with another cause, more debugging there ( 
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=384733 )
* blogged about Plasma roadmap, well received and made lwn.net 
* drew devault emailed me about the wayland outputdevice protocol, inquiring 
... I'll CC: plasma-devel likely

[12:01:10] <notmart> meeting?
[12:01:13] <Riddell> ook
[12:01:28] <sebas> yes
[12:01:34] <sebas> Who's here for it?
[12:01:40] --> notmart_ (~diau@kde/mart) has joined #plasma
[12:02:02] <Sho_> me (though at dinner again and forgot to copy my notes but 
can improv)
[12:02:22] -*- notmart is
[12:02:42] <Riddell> a game of Who's Line is it Anyway with Sho_!
[12:03:05] <Sho_> o.O
[12:03:51] <notmart> d_ed, kbroulik, bshah?
[12:04:29] <d_ed> yo
[12:05:13] <Sho_> future meeting excuse: "i scrolled away the meeting and 
couldn't scroll back", re discussion in backlog
[12:05:31] <notmart> lol
[12:05:56] <notmart> i would find it very funny if i wasn't already completely 
saddeded by it
[12:06:24] <Sho_> laughing the in the face of evil :)
[12:06:29] <Sho_> +grammar
[12:06:31] <notmart> eh
[12:06:39] <sebas> yeah, it's funny cause it's true
[12:07:15] <sebas> let's start, notmart! Then Riddell, Sho_, d_ed, /me (and we 
wait for kbroulik as well)
[12:07:22] <kbroulik> :D
[12:08:02] <notmart> ok
[12:08:10] <notmart> * kirigami: support for colored icons in some more places: 
possibility to color the main action buttons, needed by discover 
(mart/icongroupproperty branch)
[12:08:10] <notmart> * qqc2 desktop style/qqc2 plasma style: fix the Dial 
element with Qt 5.10 (the impl api is not stable)
[12:08:10] <notmart> * investigate a regression in Qt 5.9.2, should be fixed in 
[12:08:10] <notmart> * fixed bug 386454 on systemsettings not opening the 
proper modules sometimes
[12:08:10] <sKreamer> KDE bug 386454 in systemsettings (sidebarview) "Switching 
between modules doesn't always work" [normal,FIXED] 
[12:08:18] <notmart> * merge kirigami plasma-settings, make it support unique 
application instances again
[12:08:18] <notmart> * kcms redesign and kirigami: long missing component which 
will be needed a lot for the kcms, FormLayout https://phabricator.kde.org/D8641 
now fixing it following david's review
[12:08:18] <sKreamer> Diff 8641 "FormLayout" [Needs Review] 
[12:08:25] --> cotko3 (~ah...@89-212-138-82.static.t-2.net) has joined #plasma
[12:08:28] <-- CrKit (~nekit@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[12:08:49] <d_ed> yeah, good stuff with that layout
[12:08:55] <-- cotko4 (~ah...@89-212-138-82.static.t-2.net) has quit (Ping 
timeout: 255 seconds)
[12:09:01] <notmart> questions? next?
[12:09:14] <notmart> thx :)
[12:09:31] <Riddell> 5.11.3 is due out tomorrow, all bugfixes welcome
[12:10:17] <Riddell> I'm planning on going on holiday for a couple of weeks at 
the end of January, this clashes with plasma 5.12.0LTS release, is anyone able 
to do that instead?
[12:10:17] <d_ed> notmart: btw, latest frameworks is tagged, so you can merge 
one or two of the patches that you had queued
[12:10:19] <kbroulik> notmart: does your layout also take into account otehr 
[12:10:27] <kbroulik> QFormLayout with right-aligned labels is a KDE thing
[12:10:34] <d_ed> Riddell: sure
[12:10:41] <Riddell> d_ed: great :)
[12:10:44] <kbroulik> but yeah, good stuff, desperately needed
[12:10:49] <Riddell> should be easy enough, it's the beta that takes the extra 
[12:10:57] <notmart_> kbroulik: not really at the moment, i guess i can make 
some adjustment for a "windows" mode
[12:11:01] -*- Riddell done
[12:11:08] <Sho_> do we try to upstream formlayout to qqc2?
[12:11:25] <kbroulik> layouts is not part of qqc
[12:11:31] <kbroulik> but for upstreaming it probably needs to become C++
[12:11:33] <notmart_> from Qt, i would like it done
[12:11:38] --> Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) has joined #plasma
[12:11:38] <Sho_> *qt
[12:11:40] <kbroulik> and then I dont think the label-mechanism Marco did is in 
line with their "vision"
[12:11:48] <notmart_> Sho_: from qt i would like it dome in a campletely 
different way tough
[12:12:03] <notmart_> i would like it an actual layout implementation 
completely in c++
[12:12:49] <Sho_> so we wrote something we don't actually want and expect to 
drop again causing us to port lots of ui code?
[12:12:56] <notmart_> my architecture was mostly how to make it as easy to 
maintain as possible while not being able to use their private stuff
[12:13:26] <notmart_> which as a collateral result ended up with an api which i 
love that i would prefer to an actual layout thing i guess..
[12:14:35] <notmart_> i think if they do an actual form layout (which i think 
is more in line with a pure positioner theng) i would simply port my thing to 
it, which should make it become slightly simpler in code
[12:14:50] <Sho_> ah ok
[12:14:50] <kbroulik> (famous last words)
[12:14:59] <notmart_> and i would still like more my api as it has a semantic 
"there goes labels and only lables" thing
[12:15:14] <sebas> I like the approach
[12:15:27] <kbroulik> especially since it should make it easier to adjust it to 
a phone (labels ontop)
[12:15:36] <sebas> let's move on though, Riddell: you were done?
[12:15:43] <Sho_> I don't mean to be stoppy, I just always wish we would be 
more aggressive about upstream work to get more influence, too. KDE always 
keeps to itself and it's often harmful
[12:15:43] <Riddell> I was
[12:16:08] <sebas> Sho_, d_ed, kborulik, /me
[12:16:30] <Sho_> quickly improv'd notes
[12:16:33] <Sho_> * Released Simple Menu v1.0.4
[12:16:33] <Sho_> * Moved Simple Menu to kdereview, so it can get a Bugzilla 
product soon
[12:16:33] <Sho_> * Tested the wine fix I worked with them on, wine apps now 
show up nicely in the Task Manager
[12:16:34] <Sho_> * Still working on libtm URL chaos fix
[12:16:34] <Sho_> * Non-plasma: Working on search support in the new 
Konversation text view (biggest missing feature in that part of the UI), 
working on a 1.7.3 release for this week due to a security issue
[12:17:10] <Sho_> also talking to milian & co about the fv stuff here and there
[12:17:16] <Sho_> next()
[12:17:25] <kbroulik> awesome @wine thing
[12:18:00] <sebas> d_ed!
[12:18:31] <d_ed> not done much plasma this week; a couple of fixes in KAStats
[12:18:40] <d_ed> I do have a new proposed fix for the wl_proxy_create_wrapper 
[12:18:47] <d_ed> which it would be good if someone can test out
[12:19:02] <kbroulik> oooh
[12:19:03] <kbroulik> show me
[12:19:24] <Sho_> tell me what i need to do and can test later
[12:19:30] <kbroulik> fvogt might also want to have a look
[12:19:35] <d_ed> it's attached in the bug report.
[12:19:44] <d_ed> but I guess that's drowned out in all the mark as duplicates
[12:19:52] <kbroulik> https://bugsfiles.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=108673 ftr
[12:20:07] <d_ed> you beat me at bugzilla :O
[12:20:37] <notmart_> ‎[12:15] ‎<‎kbroulik‎>‎ especially since it should make 
it easier to adjust it to a phone (labels ontop)
[12:20:38] <notmart_> 
[12:20:43] <kbroulik> d_ed: I learnt from the best
[12:20:46] <notmart_> preliminar support to that^^
[12:21:07] <kbroulik> notmart: <3
[12:21:42] <d_ed> anyway, next
[12:21:55] <sebas> kbroulik!
[12:22:05] <kbroulik> * Did a KDE party on Friday with heirecka, mgraesslin, 
colomar, ximion, and others)
[12:22:08] <kbroulik> * Did some minor improvements to systray config 
(applets/entries now sorted alphabetically)
[12:22:11] <kbroulik> * Some minor optimizations in SortFilterModel/DataModel
[12:22:11] <kbroulik> * Gave KFind some love (notably startup speed)
[12:22:26] <notmart_> kfind love <3
[12:22:46] <kbroulik> kfind stuff D8623 D8624 D8625
[12:22:46] <sKreamer> Diff 8623 "Use QtConcurrent for populating mime type 
list" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D8623
[12:22:46] <sKreamer> Diff 8624 "Add separator between special mime types and 
mime type list" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D8624
[12:22:46] <sKreamer> Diff 8625 "Fix Save As feature" [Needs Review] 
[12:22:48] <sebas> love love <3!
[12:22:57] <kbroulik> next
[12:23:10] -*- sebas !
[12:23:17] <sebas> * Looking into kscreen bugs
[12:23:17] <sebas> * debugging why the config isn't saved on wayland (as almost 
usual :-/) found the same problem with another cause, more debugging there ( 
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=384733 )
[12:23:17] <sebas> * blogged about Plasma roadmap, well received and made 
lwn.net https://vizzzion.org/blog/2017/10/plasma-mobile-roadmap/
[12:23:17] <sKreamer> KDE bug 384733 in KScreen (kded) "Wayland configs are not 
saved" [normal,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=384733
[12:23:53] <sebas> * drew devault emailed me about the wayland outputdevice 
protocol, inquiring ... I'll CC: plasma-devel likely
[12:23:55] <-- Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) has quit (Quit: My MacBook 
has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[12:24:05] <-- Two_Dogs (~snak-kat@unaffiliated/almoxarife) has quit (Quit: 
Konversation terminated!)
[12:24:15] <sebas> (he's a Sway developer)
[12:24:27] <Sho_> we have some problems with plasma mobile communication 
though. the roadmap blog prompted confused walk ins wondering if pm is a 
distro,or something to be pa
[12:24:34] <Sho_> *packaged, etc
[12:24:40] <notmart_> sebas: about a wayland extension for that?
[12:24:46] <sebas> walk ins on irc?
[12:24:49] <Sho_> then three people tried to answer and gave confused, 
conflicting answers
[12:25:02] <sebas> notmart_: no, let me pastebin
[12:25:22] <sebas> https://paste.kde.org/pentnpzos
[12:25:36] <Sho_> there's no clarity on how pm and pp relate to each other or 
to the rest of the world, we probably need to do something similar to the 
rebranding task force to fix our comm
[12:25:41] <sebas> Sho_: was that on irc, or where?
[12:25:47] <kbroulik> a point of confusion that came up on Friday was plasma 
phone vs plasma mobile
[12:25:52] <notmart_> ah, ok
[12:25:53] <Sho_> yep IRC
[12:25:57] <sebas> I can do a blog "what is Plasma Mobile" and explain how it's 
an upstream plus reference implementation
[12:26:12] <Sho_> will send you relevant log via email in about one hour
[12:26:16] <sebas> I can scroll up and read
[12:26:20] <sebas> ow, yes, please
[12:26:28] <Sho_> it's was a very useful/interesting discussion imho
[12:26:57] <sebas> I'm running out of immininent topics on PM, but it's useful 
to keep it in the blogosphere I think
[12:27:07] <Sho_> yup
[12:28:44] <sebas> alright ... meeting done then
[12:28:48] <sebas> thanks everybody
[12:29:02] <Sho_> ok I'll go bike to my next desk and then send you that log 
mail :)
[12:29:03] <sebas> I'll be away next week most likely, so if someone else can 
run this, please
[12:29:09] <Sho_> will do
[12:29:10] <sebas> cool, thanks
[12:29:18] <sebas> cheers!
[12:29:22] <sebas> I'll email the log shortly

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