
notes and full log attached!

Plasma Team meeting, 13-11-2017

Present: notmart, fvogt, bshah, d_ed, sebas, Sho_

* FormLayout:
** automatic wide/compact layout switch
** automatic text mnemonics/shortcuts
* small command line tool to switch look and feel (maybe useful for calamares) 
(mart/lookandfeeltool in plasma-desktop)
* cursors kcm: componentized and in review: https://phabricator.kde.org/D8692
* resume the old fonts kcm port, taken most of the week as is pretty 
big/old/ugly codebase, good stress test for the form layout
* plasma-phone-components fixes: wrestling with weird bugs that prevent parts 
of the ui being loaded

- openQA found kwin_wayland to be FUBAR after AMS landed: 
  * Even with that diff it is still broken on qxl and virtio, not sure about 
actual HW
- With some more use of the new systemsettings UI, I have to confirm that some 
of the issues mentioned on reddit and various mls (I can't find the link 
anymore though)
  * It takes too much horizontal space, making horizontal and vertical 
scrolling necessary
  * The usual QML integration issues (bad font rendering, improper line breaks)
   * Scrolling does not work properly in the kcm in some cases

- thanks to Riddell my pulseaudio patch got commited to ubuntu
- Upgrading libhybris on phone today, kwin doesn't start (as guessed)
- hwcomposer_window.cpp:204: virtual int 
HWComposerNativeWindow::dequeueBuffer(BaseNativeWindowBuffer**, int*): 
Assertion `!m_bufList.empty()' failed.
- bugging notmart with various errors which prevents plasma phone from starting
- looked into audio video things briefly testing out some things, nothing 
concrete so far

* fixed some minor UI bugs reported by Andrew Betts
* Bit of debugging why Wayland doesn't save configs (ongoing)
* Planning some useful things to do this week, want to go back to the kscreen 
ui work

* Sped up TM startup and hopefully fixed an online grouping crasher along the 
* Another libtm patch D8524 stuck in review
* Will pick a KCM to work on to help Marco
* Non-Plasma: Konversation bug fixing for 1.7.3 release; did 1.7.3 release 
(CVE'd security issue + regular maintenance); progress on search support in new 
text view; new UI fixes

[12:00:03] <Sho_> Meeting time. Who's here?
[12:00:09] <notmart> here
[12:00:11] * fvogt is here
[12:00:38] <Sho_> bshah, kbroulik, d_ed ...?
[12:00:50] <bshah> here
[12:01:20] <Sho_> Riddell?
[12:01:36] <Sho_> no romangg or sebas today
[12:01:47] <Sho_> notmart starts, then fvogt
[12:01:58] <notmart> ok, a sec
[12:01:59] * sebas is here, unfortunately
[12:02:17] <Sho_> glad to have you anyway :)
[12:02:25] *** Quits: francish (~fran...@rob92-3-81-56-71-27.fbx.proxad.net) 
(Client Quit)
[12:02:27] <sebas> thanks
[12:02:28] <Sho_> (curious what happened though)
[12:02:48] <sebas> visa was stuck in the mail, not arriving in time
[12:02:56] <Sho_> drats :/
[12:03:04] <notmart> aw, crap :/
[12:03:04] <sebas> yeah, fuck that
[12:03:39] *** Quits: Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa) (Quit: My MacBook has 
gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[12:03:41] <notmart> anyways, my part:
[12:03:47] <notmart> * FormLayout:
[12:03:48] <notmart> ** automatic wide/compact layout switch
[12:03:50] <notmart> ** automatic text mnemonics/shortcuts
[12:03:51] <notmart> * small command line tool to switch look and feel (maybe 
useful for calamares) (mart/lookandfeeltool in plasma-desktop)
[12:03:53] <notmart> * cursors kcm: componentized and in review: 
[12:03:54] <sKreamer> Diff 8692 "QML mouse cursor KCM and components" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D8692
[12:03:54] <notmart> * resume the old fonts kcm port, taken most of the week as 
is pretty big/old/ugly codebase, good stress test for the form layout
[12:03:56] <notmart> * plasma-phone-components fixes: wrestling with weird bugs 
that prevent parts of the ui being loaded
[12:05:01] *** Joins: francish (~fran...@rob92-3-81-56-71-27.fbx.proxad.net)
[12:05:28] *** Quits: LordCrc (~quas...@cm- (Ping 
timeout: 240 seconds)
[12:06:00] <Sho_> all done?
[12:06:01] <notmart> next? questions?
[12:06:14] <Sho_> cool @ mnemonics
[12:06:33] <Sho_> does it integrate with a qwidget host window with mnemonics?
[12:06:47] <notmart> as in?
[12:07:09] <Sho_> kacceleratormanager works across a whole toplevel window
[12:07:15] <notmart> uniqueness of the shorcuts no, i don't have any way 
whatsoever to know what are the currently assigned shortcuts
[12:07:17] <pursuivant> breeze-gtk 5(master) 12v5.10.95-7-gcc0d3da * 
3Artem Grinev: Breeze-gtk/assets (12 files)
[12:07:18] <pursuivant> Update scrollbar assets
[12:07:18] <notmart> all private qt api
[12:07:19] <pursuivant> Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D6688
[12:07:19] <pursuivant> BUG: 385627
[12:07:20] <pursuivant> 
[12:07:27] <Sho_> it needs to so there is no conflicts
[12:08:10] <notmart> it does it internally, so at least it will work on a pure 
qml app
[12:08:19] <Sho_> cool
[12:08:22] <notmart> otherwise, i think the only way is to use a lot of private 
qt api
[12:08:35] <Sho_> :/
[12:08:41] <Sho_> fvogt is up next
[12:09:07] <fvogt> - openQA found kwin_wayland to be FUBAR after AMS landed: 
[12:09:07] <sKreamer> Diff 8752 "[platforms/drm] At safety checks for the 
properties" [Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D8752
[12:09:19] <d_ed> (/me is now here, was engrossed dealing with merging some 
messed up GTK patch ^)
[12:09:29] <notmart> mixing qwidget and qml anyways n general works so badly 
that (like in systemsettings) can always just be considered a temporary hack at 
[12:09:29] <fvogt>   * Even with that diff it is still broken on qxl and 
virtio, not sure about actual HW
[12:09:54] *** Quits: francish (~fran...@rob92-3-81-56-71-27.fbx.proxad.net) 
(Client Quit)
[12:10:18] <fvogt> - With some more use of the new systemsettings UI, I have to 
confirm that some of the issues mentioned on reddit and various mls (I can't 
find the link anymore though)
[12:10:20] <Sho_> didn't ams land half a year ago?
[12:10:23] *** Quits: NeKit (~nekit@ (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[12:10:41] <bshah> well not AMS but rotation thingie I think
[12:10:46] <Sho_> ok
[12:10:54] <fvogt>   * It takes too much horizontal space, making horizontal 
and vertical scrolling necessary
[12:11:05] *** Joins: Son_Goku (~King_InuY@fedora/ngompa)
[12:11:14] <fvogt>   * The usual QML integration issues (bad font rendering, 
improper line breaks)
[12:11:35] <fvogt>    * Scrolling does not work properly in the kcm in some 
[12:11:57] <notmart> in the kcm?
[12:12:08] <fvogt> notmart: Yes, for instance the display settings
[12:12:14] <notmart> the systemsetting ui doesn't have anything do do with kcms
[12:12:14] *** Joins: francish (~fran...@rob92-3-81-56-71-27.fbx.proxad.net)
[12:12:25] <fvogt> I can't scroll if the cursor is above the kcm, only if it's 
hovering the scroll bra
[12:12:28] <notmart> there, literally zero code is changed
[12:12:33] <Sho_> the new system settings ui is just the sidebar
[12:12:49] <fvogt> Then it might just be that scrolling was never really 
working? :-/
[12:12:51] <d_ed> fvogt: but I know the bug, the QtQuickView for the screen 
management eats the wheel events
[12:13:01] <notmart> more likely
[12:13:18] <fvogt> Anyway, I'd suggest to make the default window size much 
[12:13:27] *** Joins: LordCrc (~quas...@cm-
[12:13:32] <fvogt> Currently it's not really that easy to use
[12:13:35] *** Quits: francish (~fran...@rob92-3-81-56-71-27.fbx.proxad.net) 
(Client Quit)
[12:13:43] <Sho_> make sure to file bug tickets for these after we're done, 
meetings are not abug tracker
[12:13:44] <fvogt> For now we changed the default back to the icon view in our 
branding package
[12:14:02] <fvogt> Yes, I will (after trying some more to find the reports)
[12:14:17] <fvogt> I just thought I should raise this
[12:14:19] *** Joins: jensreu|laptop 
[12:14:29] <Sho_> sure, just worried about losing things
[12:14:49] <fvogt> bshah: It's definitely AMS related, as reverting the AMS 
commits fixes all of those issues
[12:15:14] * fvogt is done if there aren't any questions
[12:15:19] <Sho_> bshah is next, then sebas, then d_ed
[12:15:28] <bshah> okay
[12:15:30] <bshah> moment
[12:15:46] <bshah> - thanks to Riddell my pulseaudio patch got commited to 
[12:15:48] <bshah> - Upgrading libhybris on phone today, kwin doesn't start (as 
[12:15:50] <bshah> - hwcomposer_window.cpp:204: virtual int 
HWComposerNativeWindow::dequeueBuffer(BaseNativeWindowBuffer**, int*): 
Assertion `!m_bufList.empty()' failed.
[12:15:52] <bshah> - bugging notmart with various errors which prevents plasma 
phone from starting
[12:15:54] <bshah> - looked into audio video things briefly testing out some 
things, nothing concrete so far
[12:16:14] <bshah> questions or next
[12:16:17] *** Joins: stikonas (~gentoo@wesnoth/translator/stikonas)
[12:16:56] <Sho_> sebas is up
[12:18:07] <Sho_> maybe we lost sebas, d_ed you go first to keep things zippy
[12:18:25] <sebas> ah nope
[12:18:33] <d_ed> I wrote some wayland support for disabling monitors (to 
upload today)
[12:18:34] <Sho_> oh there we go :)
[12:18:47] <d_ed> Not done a huge amount of other Plasma stuff, I've had a busy 
week at work stuff.
[12:19:04] <Sho_> kk, sebas!
[12:19:13] <sebas> * fixed some minor UI bugs reported by Andrew Betts
[12:19:14] <sebas> * Bit of debugging why Wayland doesn't save configs (ongoing)
[12:19:14] <sebas> * Planning some useful things to do this week, want to go 
back to the kscreen ui work
[12:20:20] <Sho_> and i'll close:
[12:20:24] <Sho_> * Sped up TM startup and hopefully fixed an online grouping 
crasher along the way
[12:20:24] <Sho_> * Another libtm patch D8524 stuck in review
[12:20:24] <Sho_> * Will pick a KCM to work on to help Marco
[12:20:24] <Sho_> * Non-Plasma: Konversation bug fixing for 1.7.3 release; did 
1.7.3 release (CVE'd security issue + regular maintenance); progress on search 
support in new text view; new UI fixes
[12:20:24] <Sho_> * Doing meeting from bed with a fever
[12:20:24] <sKreamer> Diff 8524 "Add a signal notifying a change in the names 
of running activities." [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D8524
[12:20:51] <Sho_> meeting done! I'll send notes in a bit
[12:21:06] <sebas> thanks Sho_!
[12:21:11] <Sho_> fvogt: feel free to discuss the bugs more

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