On Mon, 14 May 2007, Radoslaw Zielinski wrote:

> Jan Rekorajski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [14-05-2007 00:55]:
> > On Sun, 13 May 2007, Radoslaw Zielinski wrote:
> >> Patryk Zawadzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [13-05-2007 23:09]:
> >>> On 5/13/07, Radoslaw Zielinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> Patryk Zawadzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [13-05-2007 21:58]:
> [...]
> >>>>> What are the problems?
> >>>> Off the top of my head:
> >>>> - excessive metadata (CVS/Entries is just a few dozen bytes per file)
> >>> Disk space is cheap.
> >> That's no reason for wasting it.  Two copies + metadata in case of
> >> SVN is over the line (one copy with SVK).
> > Come on, the repo will not magically grow by enormous amounts,
> [...]
> Now (for SPECS): 12k files.
> With new layout: 12k files + 12k directories + 12k CVS/ + 3x12k CVS/*.
> SVN: 12k files + 12k directories + 12k .svn/ +7x12k .svn/* + copies.
> On my (laptop) hardware[1] I see a performance difference.  Big enough
> to see it as an issue.

Do you work with the whole repo?
If yes, then how often do you _really_ need to cvs up the whole

> [1] No, I can't build OO and large packages do take time.  But usually
>     it's just good enough.
> [...]
> >> I'll wait for the proponents of the change to provide the `real life
> >> issues' which would disappear.  I mean, the ones which can't be solved
> >> with bash magic.
> > 1) files that belong to more than one package, you either have to _know_
> >    the involved packages and keep them synchronized or you will have a mess
> It's just a couple of packages, isn't it?  Only relevant for SourceX,
> which are fetched from DF anyway.  Files stored in VCS (patches, scripts
> or whatever) are (or should be) named as %{name}*.

Dream on...
Why do you thing the repo grew by 200MB after split?

> > 2) orphans, we have ~900 files in SOURCES that don't belong to any
> >    package currently
> I might be guilty of forgetting to remove some of these myself...  But
> then, is it really an issue?  If so, a daily or weekly cronjob can fix
> it, can't it?

Dream on...
A ~7 hours cron job effectively killing access to CVS?

> > 3) guesswork in case you work with more packages at once or with the
> >    whole repo - hmm, file adfgasdfgda.patch does belong to what package?
> Why would you care?  It's being looked up the other way: package -> *.patch.

I care because I have to work with the whole repo.

> > And those were just everyday, common issues.
> Honestly: I can't see these as issues.  And certainly not as everyday ones.

Can I assume then that status quo is best for you?

Jan Rekorajski            |  ALL SUSPECTS ARE GUILTY. PERIOD!
BOFH, MANIAC              |                   -- TROOPS by Kevin Rubio
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