Would you like me to re-write the keyboard support as a PCI/ISA modeled
plugin?  This may be a good test item to play with since we know exactly
how it acts for all cases of inputs and outputs.

Kevin Lawton wrote:
> For a good diagram which shows how the hardware components interconnect
> in a PCI machine, check out the one in Intel's PCI chipset datascheets.
> For example, in the i440BX (doc number 290633-001), page 1-2, there
> is a diagram.  I suggest downloading one of the PCI docs (they are free)
> from the intel site.
> In this chipset the PCI-to-ISA bridge (South Bridge as people like to
> call it) contains some of the common ISA hardware functionality, like
> DMA/timers/RTC/PICs/IDE/...
> So perhaps code for those hardware items in plex86 will require little
> change.
> A new interface for supporting real PCI devices would include
> support for the configuration space etc.  This is where we would
> plug in new emulation, like for emulation of a more current
> video card.
> The host bridge (North Bridge) also manages an AGP bus, which
> is optimized for a graphics card.  But it implements this as
> a virtual PCI bus.  So programmatically, a video card on
> the AGP is quite similar to the same card on the PCI bus.
> I'm now reading through some parts of the book:
>   PCI System Architecture, Fourth Edition
>   ISBN 0-201-30974-2
> Then will begin work on the interface.
> If anybody else has thoughts for PCI, please express them.
> -Kevin
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Kevin Lawton                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MandrakeSoft, Inc.                  Plex86 developer
> http://www.linux-mandrake.com/      http://www.plex86.org/

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