On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Timothy J. Massey wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 08:03:35 +0000 (GMT), Ged Haywood wrote:
> >Hi there,
> >
> >On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Drew Northup wrote:
> >
> >> I'm currently maintaining plex86 and will complete the move
> >> to savannah.gnu.org as soon as I can.
> >
> >Great news!
> >
> >73,
> >Ged.
> I'm suprised by the large number of Amateur Radio people associated
> with this project.  Between Drew's callsign in his sig and your closing
> with 73, we've got two right there.  I'm pretty sure I remember seeing
> other callsigns on this list, too...
> Weird.
> Tim Massey, KC8PWV


-- Michael "Soruk" McConnell   [M1CNV]                 [ Eridani Star System ]
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