Hm.....did it happen when ScanDisk was supposed to run?

Frank Schafer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I get a ``Fatal monitor error caused Panic'' during install of the guest
> OS.
> I've choosen Windows95, because this is reported to be OK.
> Here is what I did:
> Plex86 configuration:
>         $ ./configure --enable-instrumentation \
>         >       --enable-cdrom --with-x --with-gui=x
> Install the font and start ``xfs''
> Creating a 500MB DRIVE-C file (disk image).
> Fdisking this disk image with one partition. WIN FAT32 bootable.
> ``dd''-ing a Windows boot floppy to a BOOT-FD-IMG file.
> Changing conf/win95:
>         bochs-opt boot: a
>         bochs-opt diskc: file="../DRIVE-C", cyl=1015, heads=16, spt=63
>         bochs-opt cdromd: dev=/dev/cdroms/cdrom0, status=inserted
>         bochs-opt floppya: 1_44=../BOOT-FD-IMG, status=inserted
>         ...
>         left the file it as came from here on.
> Loading the module.
>         this states an OK to me, and the /dev/plex appears.
> Starting plex ( from the user dir ):
>         $ ./plex86 -f ../conf/win95
> The virtual system boots, finds the CD, And after all the M$ tests I end
> up at the ``A:>'' prompt.
>         A:> format C:
> This completes fine.
>         A:> D:
> Hmm, now I'm in the M$ RAM-Drive.
>         D:> E:
> Yes, here is SETUP.EXE
>         E:> setup
> Windows starts the system check, this went fine too.
> The installer starts copying the files needed by the installation to
> drive C:.
> This takes quite a while ... we all know that :o) ... and then ...
> Fatal monitor error caused Panic
> eax:0x4b
> ebx:0x423b
> ecx:0x0
> edx:0x4
> ebp:0x0
> esi:0x35ec
> edi:0xfff0078
> esp:0xf8
> eflags:0x3002
> eip:0xb79
> cs:s=0x5b, dl=0x6660ffff, dh=0xfb04, valid=1
> ss:s=0x4b, dl=0x23b0ffff, dh=0xf304, valid=1
> ds:s=0x4b, dl=0x23b0ffff, dh=0xf304, valid=1
> es:s=0x4b, dl=0x23b0ffff, dh=0xf304, valid=1
> fs:s=0x4b, dl=0x23b0ffff, dh=0xf304, valid=1
> gs:s=0x4b, dl=0x23b0ffff, dh=0xf304, valid=1
> ldtr:s=0x38, dl=0x4c50ffef, dh=0xe251, valid=1
> tr:s=0x88, dl=0x2500002b, dh=0xe104, valid=1
> gdtr:base=0x510800, limit=0x11f
> idtr:base=0x510000, limit=0x7ff
> dr0:0x0
> dr1:0x0
> dr2:0x0
> dr3:0x0
> dr6:0xffff0ff0
> dr7:0x400
> tr3:0x0
> tr4:0x0
> tr5:0x0
> tr6:0x0
> tr7:0x0
> cr0:0x31
> cr1:0x0
> cr2:0x0
> cr3:0x0
> cr4:0x0
> inhibit_mask:0
> Stack dump:
> Current instruction:
>  005B.00000B79  9A0000CB00               lcall   $0x00cb, $0x0000
> Shutting down plugins
> bochs: Note: X11: bx_gui_c::exit() not implemented yet.
> Unmapping guest physical memory.
> Unmapping monitor print buffer.
> Tearing down VM
> Closing VM
> $
> As I mentioned yesterday, I got the snapshot Plex86-2001_0428a.
> Any suggestions?
> Frank

|^^^ |  | |^^| |^^^  Drew Northup, N1XIM  |^^| |    |^^^ \  / /^^\ /^^~
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