We I don't have the CVS on hand right now, but I know that it used to
emulate that one just fine.  I need to get a copy here of the pre-August
revision for comparison to the new one so that we can pull out the working
bits as discussed earlier.

On 4 Mar 2002, Frank Schafer wrote:

> Hi list,
> Still I couldn't install any MS operating system ( I've not tried to
> install DOS ).
> The result is everytime exactly the same.
> This morning I took the docs and started a deeper reading. It's fine, we
> want to virtualize as less as possible.
> I couldn't find any instruction which can cause a jump between segments
> in the set of to-virtualize ( or at least to-check ) instructions.
> These should be ljmp, ljp<cc>, lcall, lcall<cc>, ret and ret<cc>.
> Correct me, if I've forgotten something, and excuse me, that I don't
> know the AT&T syntax that good.
> It seems, that the:
>       lcall   $0x00cb, $0x0000
> I end up with a crash is exactly such a case. We should get a trap
> during execution of this instruction, but does our handler do the right
> thing with it?
> Just wondering ... if I find the time I'll have a look at the code too.
> Regards
> Frank

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