Ray Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>... As there are, perhaps, a half dozen legitimate
> messages on this list per *month*, that seems like a quite reasonable
> solution.

Actually the ironic part about 'This list sux' thread is
that Jan Evert van Grootheest [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] just sent
one of the most informative messages I have seen on this
list, that in case anyone missed it is attached here:

Plex86 is a great concept and I would love to contribute,

--- Begin Message ---
I used to have a copy of the CVS off of lightning.fastxs.net (as 
described on the plex86.org), but that seems to have disappeared.
So I got the tree off of www.plex86.org. It seems like nothing has 
changed for months... the last changed file is gui/curses.cc from sept 
11th, 2001???
Ran ./configure and make and all seemed well. Loaded the kernel module, 
no problem.
Then prepared a directory with tomsrtbt (a small, floppy based 
distribution, in case you don't know), a configuration file (used 
conf/linuxhd, removed the diskc definition, made floppya point to 
tomsrtbt and removed bochs-init), added a link to the plex86 executable 
and the plugins directory.
Running it produced the following output:

Processing command-line options
Opening VM (/dev/plex86)
Processing config file linuxhd...
Allocating 8MB of physical memory in VM
Mapping virtualized physical memory into monitor
Zeroing virtualized physical memory
Mapping monitor print buffer into user mem.
ROM: loading image '../bios/BIOS-plex86-current' @ 0xf0000 (65536 bytes)
ROM: loading image '../bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40' @ 0xc0000 (32768 bytes)
Setting prescan depth to 3
prescan on
Processed 61 lines of config file 'linuxhd'
Initializing plugins
Running VM
::init_monitor OK -----------------
nexus_size = 0x24E

::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x70!.

::sysIOIn: No handler defined for port 0x71.

::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x71!.

::plex86 panic:
::emulate:1 default case of 5

Fatal monitor error caused Panic
cs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9b00, valid=1
ss:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
ds:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
es:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
fs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
gs:s=0x0, dl=0xffff, dh=0x9300, valid=1
ldtr:s=0x0, dl=0x0, dh=0x0, valid=0
tr:s=0x0, dl=0x0, dh=0x0, valid=0
gdtr:base=0x0, limit=0x0
idtr:base=0x0, limit=0x3ff
Stack dump:
Current instruction:
  0000.000A0000  0000                     addb    %al, (%bx,%si)

Shutting down plugins
[some more lines skipped]

I have reported this already in the past, but you seem to be asking for 
it... I never got any sensible remark about the problem above.

As a note, this system contains an AMD Duron, perhaps that's just enough 
different in some aspect that it breaks plex? I'll be moving shortly. 
After that, I'll try this on a real pentium, and check whether that 
makes a difference.
gcc version 2.95.4  (Debian prerelease)
kernel 2.4.16

I'm actually hoping for a long time already to use (however slow) 
plex86, but the above problem has been a big showstopper for me.

Have fun,
Jan Evert

Drew Northup wrote:

> Now just getting my ssh to agree with subversions....
> Actually, what I'm going to do is post a CVS of _releases_only_ on
> savannah.  I'll do this soon.  Also, as to the cvs at www.plex86.org: it
> is still functional, and I now know why kevin was having trouble tracking
> down the problems that we were having with it since last August.  I'll
> post a list of what I'm running for comparison with others (as soon as I'm
> actually in my house....), as on my current setup, plex86 compiles and 
> runs just fine.  I'm confused, that's for sure!
> SO, for the time being, what I need to know is who _has_ been able to get
> plex86 running correctly off of the current cvs posted at www.plex86.org.
> Based on that information I should be able to narrow down at least a few
> glitches in the compile/run process.  This will be helpful in making the
> next alpha release (which will be what I'm going to post at subversions,
> and also in tarball format).  This leaves the development CVS server still
> outside of the US, as I want it to be.
> Christophe (some of the bochs team people, my mind fails me here) and I
> have been working on getting some cross-integration patches going, and I
> hope to post them as soon as I get my ssh2 client friendly with
> subversions.
> I know that it doesn't seem like we're getting anything done, but I'm
> doing what I can--and there is plenty that can be done, even with the
> not-perfect cvs archives availble.
> On Sun, 31 Mar 2002, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
>>On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 10:27:41PM -0500, Drew Northup wrote:
>>>Yes, this project is still alive.....
>>>now that I have the old cvs on hand I'm going to post a tarball (possibly
>>>with some patches the Christophe is sending me.
>>What's the current status at the moment? Do you have the complete CVS
>>tarball? If so, could you put it on subversions (GNU CVS server)?
>>Jeroen Dekkers
>>Jabber supporter - http://www.jabber.org Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Debian GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org http://www.gnu.org
>>IRC: jeroen@openprojects
> |^^^ |  | |^^| |^^^  Drew Northup, N1XIM  |^^| |    |^^^ \  / /^^\ /^^~
> |__  |  | |  | |                          |__| |    |___  \/  |__| |__
>    | |  | |  | |           www.plex86.org |    |    |     /\  |  | |  \
> ___| |__| |__| |___ web.syr.edu/~suoc/    |    |___ |___ /  \ __/ __/

--- End Message ---

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