I have a dumb question:  Why would non-members
ever need to post to the list?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Dekkers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: [plex86] This list sux!

On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 10:07:21AM -0700, Shannon C. Dealy wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 08:41:27AM -0700, Ray Lee wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 08:34, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
> > > > I think the best thing is to install a good spamfilter.
> > > 
> > > The only thing that needs to be done is to set the list to accept
> > > from members only. And if they're not a member, either deny the post
> > > hold it for moderation.
> > 
> > Denying posts for non-members isn't the right solution IMHO. There
> > could be people who write patches, want to send it to the list and
> > aren't subscribed. Or want to ask something without being subscribed.
> [snip]
> In my experience (I've been the admin for several email lists for about
> six years), blocking non-member submissions is the only viable
> solution.  

Having experience on Debian and GNU lists, blocking all non-member
mails is really worse. The Debian filtering really works good IMHO,
the filtering on GNU lists will probably also work fine if
setup. Therefor I suggest moving this list to savannah so we don't
have to waste our time to setup filtering.

> Spam filters fail to block a fair amount of junk, and often
> block legitimate email, so going with a spam filter only solution trades
> blocking an occasional legitimate message from non-members for
> occasionally blocking legitimate messages from members!  I consider
> this to be a far worse result than blocking non-members.  

Only non-member mails should go through the spamfilter. This is what
Debian does. This both prevents the problem you are describing and
costs less resources.

Most good spamfilter are able to filter at least most junk, I think
the resulting spam not-filtered isn't worse than blocking all

Jeroen Dekkers
Jabber supporter - http://www.jabber.org Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org http://www.gnu.org
IRC: jeroen@openprojects

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