"Joplin, Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> attached post of Jan Evert van Grootheest 

> I used to have a copy of the CVS off of lightning.fastxs.net (as 
> described on the plex86.org), but that seems to have disappeared.
> So I got the tree off of www.plex86.org. It seems like nothing has 
> changed for months... the last changed file is gui/curses.cc from sept 
> 11th, 2001???
> Ran ./configure and make and all seemed well. Loaded the kernel module, 
> no problem.
> Then prepared a directory with tomsrtbt (a small, floppy based 
> distribution, in case you don't know), a configuration file (used 
> conf/linuxhd, removed the diskc definition, made floppya point to 
> tomsrtbt and removed bochs-init), added a link to the plex86 executable 
> and the plugins directory.
> Running it produced the following output:
> Processing command-line options
> Opening VM (/dev/plex86)
> Processing config file linuxhd...
> Allocating 8MB of physical memory in VM
> Mapping virtualized physical memory into monitor
> Zeroing virtualized physical memory
> Mapping monitor print buffer into user mem.
> ROM: loading image '../bios/BIOS-plex86-current' @ 0xf0000 (65536 bytes)
> ROM: loading image '../bios/VGABIOS-elpin-2.40' @ 0xc0000 (32768 bytes)
> Setting prescan depth to 3
> prescan on
> Processed 61 lines of config file 'linuxhd'
> Initializing plugins
> Running VM
> ::init_monitor OK -----------------
> nexus_size = 0x24E
> ::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x70!.
> ::sysIOIn: No handler defined for port 0x71.
> ::sysIOOut: No handler defined for port 0x71!.
> inhibit_mask:0
> Stack dump:
> Current instruction:
>  0000.000A0000  0000                     addb    %al, (%bx,%si)

I answered this problem on savannah. The missing handlers for ports
70h and 71h tells us that the cmos plugin was not loaded.
Please make sure it is loaded and retry.

It also seems that IP is hitting the video memory at A0000h, and that's bad.
(memory is filled with 0000 that is addb %al,(%bx,%si)

Christophe Bothamy.

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