Am 29.10.2013 20:03, schrieb Andreas Jung:
> Héctor Velarde wrote:
>> we use Products.EasyNewsletter in many projects as our preferred 
>> newsletter solution but seems that the package development is a
>> little bit abandoned these days. I see there are some pull requests
>> waiting without response for many months and there has not been a
>> release in more than a year also.
>> I just added the other day CI support to make it easier to maintain;
>> I hope that helps.
>> on the other side, are there any other packages to solve the
>> newsletter use case?
> External services like Mailchimp are by magnitudes better than what you
> could ever find for Plone.


I used Singing & Dancing and EasyNewsletter so far. S&D might be a good
base for customizations, but it comes with a UI that is just not usable
(neither for myself nor for my customers). Also it seems to be a bit
over engineered.

EasyNewsletter is just completely broken in my opinion (I tried to
refactor/fix some things and added some tests until I came to that
conclusion). I would not recommend to start using it.

I fully agree with Andreas. Newsletters are nothing that we should try
to solve inside Plone. Therefore I started a mailchimp integration and
moved all my customers to it. So far I'm quite happy with it:

For smaller sites the service is basically free and for larger projects
the mailchimp service is worth the money in my opinion.

(There was/is also raptus.mailchimp which uses formlib/portal_properties
and has no tests at all. This was the reason why I rewrote a new package
from the scratch.)


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