Well, I do not totally agree about collective.mailchimp as a valid
alternative to collective.ProductsEasyNewsletter.
Yes, MailChimp is the sate of the art regarding newsletters management
and clearly open source community is lacking such good product.

But it does not feet the needs of most of my customers:

  * You have to pay to use it when having large amount of recipients
    And one problem with open source is that people like the idea to be
    used not to pay for software
    So, most of my customers refuse to use mailchimp for that point.
  * When Plone is used inside a company for intra/extranet, having
    confidential information exported to external web site simply does
    not do the trick

Actually, EasyNewsletter is working quite fine for these customers and I
do not have any other valid open source alternative to suggest.

But, I agree that newsletters should be made outside Plone using
services like mailchimp and others.

So I would like we keep EasyNewsletter until a good newsletter open
source software is borned.

Best regards,


Le 30/10/2013 14:47, Héctor Velarde a écrit :
> On 30-10-2013 04:51, Timo Stollenwerk wrote:
>> EasyNewsletter is just completely broken in my opinion (I tried to
>> refactor/fix some things and added some tests until I came to that
>> conclusion). I would not recommend to start using it.
> HV> seems this time everybody agrees with Andreas :-)
> good to know; we need to start thinking on removing EasyNewsletter
> from our deployments but that will take some time.
> I need a release with what we have right now in master.
> can anybody help me on this?
>> I fully agree with Andreas. Newsletters are nothing that we should try
>> to solve inside Plone. Therefore I started a mailchimp integration and
>> moved all my customers to it. So far I'm quite happy with it:
>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.mailchimp
> HV> we will take a look on it.
> thanks, guys!
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