On 2010-08-13 10:04+0200 Arjen Markus wrote:

> Further observations:
> Intel Fortran uses the "cdecl" calling convention, not stdcall. This
> is not yet reflected in the selection of the STUB_LINKAGE macro (that
> currently only depends on the C compiler!) so this is something I need
> to adjust. It also means that we have to accommodate for different
> link names in a third variety of .def files.
> This is just a consequence of the software evolution on Windows ...

To Arjen and Werner:

Is the calling convention also going to be an issue for our visibility

Right now (in include/pldll.h(.in) we use

#define PLDLLEXPORT    __declspec( dllexport )

for both non-Cygwin and Cygwin windows.  But I have noticed that for
the libharu symbol visibility support (see
cmake/external/libharu/include/hpdf.h) they use

#    define HPDF_EXPORT(A)  __declspec(dllexport) A  __stdcall
#        define HPDF_EXPORT(A)  __declspec(dllexport) A

where "A" is the function type and HPDF_DLL_MAKE_CDECL is defined in
the Cygwin case and HPDF_DLL_MAKE defined in the non-Cygwin Windows

Note, I don't understand Windows symbol visibility syntax at all, but
the implication from the name of the macro in the Cygwin case and the
use of __stdcall in the non-Cygwin Windows case is that Cygwin uses
the "cdecl" calling convention (whatever that is) and non-Cygwin
Windows uses "stdcall" calling convention (whatever that is).

In sum, it appears the libharu developers were unaware of the cdecl
calling convention for the Intel compiler, but they do appear to
distinguish the two calling conventions in their visibility support so
we might want to consider doing that ourselves (by adding the
__stdcall attribute for the stdcall case).

Even more importantly, if Cygwin really does use the cdecl calling
convention it appears from Arjen's comments above there would be
widespread Cygwin fortran implications (which may explain why fortran
has historically been problematic for PLplot on Cygwin).

I am out of my depth so I am just mentioning some possibilities here
based on what libharu does to give you guys some food for thought.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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