On 2010-12-03 10:21+0100 Arjen Markus wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> I have added the directory /d/..../utils to the PATH and a number of Tcl
> examples get done correctly.

That's a useful temporary workaround, but I will follow up (under
wine) to see why the scripts are not setting the PATH correctly in a
Windows environment.

But at no. 14 I get this:
> Read 721 data points, 2 separate streams
> Read 721 data points, 4 separate streams
> Read 12 data points, 1 separate streams
> Read 100 data points, 1 separate streams
> pltcl demo of plgrid
> x01
> x02
> x03
> x04
> x05
> x06
> x07
> x08
> x09
> x10
> x11
> x12
> x13
> x14
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Can't open 
> /D/plplot-svn/plplot/comprehensive_test_disposeable/shared/build_tree/examples/x14at.psc.
> Too many tries.
> Program aborted
> make[3]: *** [examples/x01t.psc] Error 1
> I have no idea why some program (it is unclear which one) wants to open
> a file "x14at.psc". There is no mention of such a file name that I can
> see.

Example 14 asks for a file name to open.  That is supplied by the

echo "${results}"/x${index}a${lang}%n.$dsuffix | \

statement in plplot_test/test_tcl.sh.

There is completely similar logic in test_c.sh that works for you.
The only real difference I can see is the application in the tcl
case is a shell script whose first line is


I don't think that "bang line" should work at all for you. But it does
for the x01, etc. cases (up to but not including x14) so I suspect it
may be accessing a non-bash shell which cannot handle the special
logic in the x14 shell script.

One way out of the above incorrect "bang" line is to configure all of
examples/tcl/x?? scripts with a first line of


but I prefer not to do that since I always think non-configured files
are easier to understand. Instead, I have (revision 11362) explicitly
changed plplot_test/test_tcl.sh.in (which is already a configured
file) so that @SH_EXECUTABLE@ executes each x?? script (which bypasses
the bang line in each of the x?? shell scripts).

Does that revision work any better for you?

If so, great.  If not, then you should disable tcl for your further
runs of comprehensive_test.sh (using the option --cmake_added_options
for that script) until I can figure this out.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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