For those who recognise this, here's my problem:

LINK : fatal error LNK1146: no argument specified with option


Sorry for a slightly random posting, but I've recommended plplot to a
couple of students doing a project under me, and they've hit a snag
trying to install plplot in Visual Studio. I've had a go myself,
although since I'm not a Windows person this is kind of the blind
leading the blind. My post-doc was successful some time ago, and gave us
some instructions which nearly worked, but perhaps things have changed
ever so slightly.

plplot-5.9.9 fresh download
Visual Studio C++ 2010 running on Windows XP
cmake 2.8.6 fresh install (with exe's in every user's path)

It is critical, of course, to build from a dos command-line window from
within Visual Studio, so it can set up the necessary environment.

Firstly, the 5.9.9 tarball is missing README, so an initial build
failed. I faked that, as it was clearly not important. Here is my cmake
invocation (from my post-doc):

C:\Program Files\plplot\plplot_build>cmake "C:\Program Files\plplot
\plplot-5.9.9" -G "NMake Makefiles" -DBUILD_TEST=ON
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PATH="C:\Program Files\plplot\plplot_install"

This runs ok, but warns 

  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:


which looks benign.

nmake runs and gets as far as the first compile/link I guess, and then

C:\Program Files\plplot\plplot_build>nmake

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Scanning dependencies of target csirocsa
[  1%] Building C object lib/csa/CMakeFiles/csirocsa.dir/csa.c.obj
Linking C shared library ..\..\dll\csirocsa.dll
LINK : fatal error LNK1146: no argument specified with option
LINK failed. with 1146
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\CMake 2.8\bin
\cmake.exe"' : return
 code '0xffffffff'

Any pointers about how to fix this? I haven't tried to hunt down the bit
of the makefiles cmake generates to find the /machine linker option, and
since I don't speak cmake very well either would probably be none the

Professor Steven J Schwartz        Phone: +44-(0)20-7594-7660
Head, Space & Atmospheric Physics  Fax:   +44-(0)20-7594-7772
The Blackett Laboratory            E-mail:
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