Dear All

On Tue, 2011-10-25 at 14:49 +0200, Arjen Markus wrote:
> good to hear that - if you find out what caused the trouble in the
> first place, let us know.

Don't know, but I think some combination of white spaces in path names
(although CMake install itself in a folder "CMake 2.8" and works fine)
and some corruption of the plplot directories.

Anyway, now I have another question/problem. The examples run fine, but
when I try to compile them independently using nmake and a makefile, I
can get them to run, but they crash on exit (or perhaps when I hit
enter) - I get the standard windows "x01.exe has encountered a problem
and needs to close...". Since this is part of a larger project it would
be good to get this going and should (famous last words) be possible.
I've played with variants of .bat scripts to set up paths and Makefiles,
and attach both for your inspection.

It's a little confusing since the plplot_install directory has the main
dll's in bin, and the drivers somewhere else. I think the problem is
somewhere in the compile, because if I open a clean MSDOS commant prompt
window, execute my batch script, and run the examples-compiled one it
runs fine, whereas the one I compiled separately doesn't.

Comments welcome.


Oops, Sorry, my system won't send .bat files as attachments, so here it is 
(updated from the one on the plplot wiki)

@echo off

rem setup Visual C++ compiler
call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%"\vsvars32.bat

rem setup PLplot library
set PLPLOTDIR=C:\programs\plplot\plplot_install
set PATH=%PLPLOTDIR%\bin;%PLPLOTDIR%\lib\plplot5.9.9\driversd;%PATH%

Professor Steven J Schwartz        Phone: +44-(0)20-7594-7660
Head, Space & Atmospheric Physics  Fax:   +44-(0)20-7594-7772
The Blackett Laboratory            E-mail:
Imperial College London            Office: Huxley 6M67A 
London SW7 2AZ, U.K.               Web:
STEM = x01

PLPLOT_DIR = C:\programs\plplot\plplot_install

PLPLOT_INCL = $(PLPLOT_DIR)\include\plplot

CCEXT = .cc
EXEEXT = .exe

CXX = cl
LDFLAGS = $(PLPLOT_LIB)\plplotd.lib $(PLPLOT_LIB)\plplotcxxd.lib


all : clean $(STEM)$(EXEEXT)
clean :
        rm -f $(STEM)$(EXEEXT)
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