Hi Alan and Hez,

Yes, I used to use C++ and Python but now Go has become my primary language.

The binding is automatically generated from C header and is not
targeted to a specific version of PLPlot. I'm not quite satisfied with
the code that SWIG generated for Go, so I write a wrapper generator
called cwrap (https://github.com/hailiang/cwrap), it uses gccxml to
parse C header and generate Go wrappers.

By the way, before cwrap is made, I have tried another way, parsing
the PLPlot docbook XML document and generate the wrapper. The pro of
the method is that XML is a lot easier to parse than C header, and
also in the document, the parameters are already marked as "IN" or
"OUT", sometimes more accurate than guessing by "const" modifier. The
con is that the doc may not be fully synchronized with the header


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