To Arjen, Phil, and Jim:

I am addressing this post mostly to you guys because you are the only
ones I am aware of that are still working on substantial (i.e., non
bug-fix) changes for this release cycle.

As release manager, I really appreciate how hard all of you are
working on improving PLplot in the areas of the Fortran binding,
wxwidgets device driver, and plmeta/plbuf.  And hopefully most or all
of your substantial changes will get into the forthcoming release
(scheduled for February 28th).

I ask all of you to do all your development on topic branches and
always use care about what you push to the master branch (Arjen
or Phil) or request others to push to the master branch (Jim).  Following
these rules throughout the release cycle is important, but it
becomes especially critical near the end of release cycle (our current

The criteria you should consider about substantial (i.e, non bug-fix)
master branch changes at any time but especially this close to release
are the following:

1. Is your change thoroughly tested on Windows and Unix (typically
Linux) with no build issues and no segfaults at run time?

I think it is fair to say from the topic-branch commits I have seen
via git format-patch (or other means), that the current state of the
fortran binding and wxwidgets rewrites qualify on the build question
but are disqualified by the run-time part of this criterion, but
hopefully that will change soon in both cases.

2. Is it better than what it is replacing?  I think it is fair to say
from the topic-branch commits I have seen the current Fortran binding
and wxwidgets rewrites are partially disqualified by this criterion,
but hopefully that will change soon in both cases.

Users of the Fortran binding rewrite should have an easier time of it
(less worries about typing of variables) then the current Fortran
binding. However, as I have told Arjen elsewhere, one of the big
motivations for this rewrite is to make the Fortran bindings
implementation much simpler.  That goal has not been realized yet, and
I hope to see that change soon.

My impression is Phil has already achieved one of his desired goals
which is a greatly simplified and easier to maintain wxwidgets device
driver.  Of course, the current rendering issues are of concern, but
from what Phil has said, he is actively working on those so the
prospects of meeting this criterion soon look fairly good.

I don't know the status of the plmeta/plbuf changes with regard to
these two criteria, but I strongly encourage Jim to make his topic
branch commits available to the plplot-devel list via git format-patch
so they can be evaluated by these criteria by everybody.

<aside> And similarly for Arjen (who has been communicating with me by
tarball because he has been having difficulty using git format-patch
on Windows).  Can someone here give Arjen advice about a good
command-line git client to use on Windows where the format-patch
command "just works"? </aside>

Note your deadline for passing the above two criteria is going to be
February 21st or ~3.5 weeks from now.  The reason for that deadline is
that testers need roughly a week of the master branch having no
substantial changes to do their tests because any substantial change
on master during that week will mean the tests (some of which take a
couple of days) will have to be redone.

If you cannot meet that deadline, then I suggest you give your highest
priority to finishing the small changes (such as Jim's plmem.c
changes) that can be committed to master before that deadline. That
tactic will at least get rid of all minor distractions from working
toward your major goal of a rewritten Fortran binding, wxwidgets
device driver, or plbuf/plmeta functionality.  And for the case that
you do miss that deadline, I strongly encourage you to just keep
working steadily on your topic branch so that ideally on release date
+ 1 day you satisfy the above two criteria and therefore will be in a
position to push your changes to master.  Such substantial master
changes early in the next release cycle would justify a very short
next release cycle which in turn implies there won't be a huge penalty
if you miss the February 21st deadline but keep working steadily on a
topic branch instead.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (; the Time
Ephemerides project (; PLplot scientific plotting
software package (; the libLASi project
(; the Loads of Linux Links project (;
and the Linux Brochure Project (

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